Installation Instructions
Locating the New Water Heater
You should carefully choose an indoor location for the new water heater, because the placement is a very important consideration for the safety of the occupants in the building and for the most
economical use of the appliance. This water heater is not for use in mobile homes or outdoor installation.
Whether replacing an old water heater or putting the water
heater in a new location, the following critical points must be observed.
1.The location selected should be indoors as close as practical
to the vent termination point, and as centralized with the water piping system as possible. The water heater, as all water heaters, will eventually leak. Do not install without adequate drainage provisions where water flow will cause damage.
2.If vented through an outside wall or through the roof the vent piping cannot exceed a total of 35 feet including vertical and horizontal runs and have no more than 3 elbows. It can- not slope downward and horizontal runs require ¼" per foot
rise. All horizontal runs require adequate support at 3_ feet intervals.
3.The water heater requires i_s own (separate) venting system. It cannot be connected to an existing vent pipe or chimney. It must terminate to the outdoors. Whenever possible termi- nate the vent on the leaward side of the building if vented
through an outside wall. NOTE: Condensation may be cre-
ated, at times, as the combustion gases exit the vent cap
and discoloration of surfaces in proximity to the vent cap may occur.
The powerventwater heaterrequires itsown(separate)venting system.It cannotbeconnectedto an existingventpipeor chim- ney.It mustbeterminatedto theoutdoors,Failureto pmperlyin- stallthe ventingsystemcanresult in asphyxiation,fire or explo-
4.The water hearer comes equipped with a 5 foot power cord which can be used to connect to a 110/120 volt power source if (1) local codes allow, and (2) there is a three prong receptacle available.
Do not usean extensioncord. If there isnot a suitablerecepta- cle and/or localcodesprohibituseof a powercord,fieldwiring mustbe provided.
water heater must be accomplished in such a manner that if the tank or any connections should leak, the flow of water
will not cause damage to the structure. For this reason, it is not advisable to install the water heater in at attic or upper floor. When such locations cannot be avoided, a suitable drain pan should be installed under the water heater. Drain
pans are available at your local Sears store. Such a drain pan must be not greater than I% inches deep, have a minimum length and width of at least 2 inches greater than the water heater dimensions and must be piped to an adequate drain. The pan must not restrict combustion air flow. Under no cir- cumstances is the manufacturer or Sears to be held liable for any water damage in connection with this water heater.
5.The location selection must provide adequate clearances for servicing and proper operation of the water heater.
INSTALLATIONSIN AREASWHERE FLAMMABLELIQUIDS (VAPORS) ARE LIKELY TO BE PRESENT OR STORED (GARAGES, STORAGE, AND UTILITY AREAS, ETC): Flammableliquids(suchas gasoline,solvents,propane(LP) or butane, etc.), all of which emit flammable vapors, may be improperlystoredor usedin suchareas.The gaswater heater pilot lightor ma_nbumer canignitesuchvapors.The resulting flashbackandfire cancausedeath or seriousburnsto anyonein the area,aswellaspropertydamage.
If installationin suchareasisyouronlyoption,then the installa-
tion must be accomplishedin a way that the pilot flame and main burnerflameare elevatedfrom the floor at least18inches.
While this may reduce the chancesof flammablevaporsfrom a
floor spillbeing ignited,gasolineand otherflammable substances shouldneverbe storedor usedin the sameroom or areacon-
taininga gaswater heateror otheropenflameor sparkproduc- ingappliance.
NOTE: Flammablevaporsmay be drawnby air currentsfrom otherareasofthe structure to theappliance.
Propellantsof aerosolspraysand volatilecompounds,(clean- ers, chlorinebasedchemicals,refrigerants, etc.) in additionto beinghighlyflammable in manycases,will alsochangeto cor- rosive hydrochloricacid when exposedto the combustion productsof the water heater. The results can be hazardous, and alsocauseproductfailure.
This water heater must not be installeddirectlyon carpeting. Carpeting must be protected by a metal or wood panel beneath the applianceextending beyond the full width and depth of the appliance by at least 3 inches(76.2mm) in any direction,or if the applianceis installedin an alcoveor closet, the entire floor mustbe coveredby the panel.Failureto heed
this warningmay result in a fire hazard.
Minimum clearances between the water heater and com- bustibleconstructionare 0" at the sidesand rear, 5" at the
front, and 0" from the vent pipe.Clearancefrom the top of the jacketis 14"on mostmodels.Note that a lesserdimensionmay be allowed on some models.Refer to the labelon the water
heateradjacentto the gascontrolvalvefor all clearances.
12" MAX | _'_N | [1'MIN |
| ||
| TOP VIEW | 1 I |
| '_2" MAX. | WITH DOOR |
Figure I ] | AlE DUCT |