Usingimpropervoltagemayresult | WARNING:Thecords,wires,and/ |
indamagetothemotorand | orcablessuppliedwiththisproduct |
possibleinjurytotheuserProper. | containschemicals,including |
voltageislistedonthecleaner | leadorleadcompounds,known |
plate. | tothestateofCaliforniatocause |
| cancerandbirthdefectsorother |
| reproductiveharmWashhands. |
| afterusing. |
Proper assembly and safe use of your vacuum cleaner are your responsibilities. Your vacuum cleaner is intended only for Household use. Read this Use & Care Guide carefully for important use and safety information. This guide contains safety statements under warning and caution symbols. Please pay special attention to these boxes and follow any instructions given.