Lopi Answer Wood Stove Maintaining Your Appliance, Yearly Maintenance, Touch Up Paint, 93508131

Page 31
Yearly Maintenance

Maintaining Your Appliance


Yearly Maintenance

Make sure the appliance has fully cooled prior to conducting service.

Touch Up Paint

Included with the owner's pack of this appliance is a can of Stove-Brite® paint. To touch up nicks or dulled paint, apply the paint while the appliance is cool. Sand rusted or damaged areas before preparation (use 120 grit sandpaper). Clean and dry the area to prepare the surface. Wait at least one hour before starting the appliance. The touched up area will appear darker than the surrounding paint until it cures from heat. Curing will give off some fumes while curing – open windows to ventilate.


P a i n t

Cleaning the Air Duct and Blower (if applicable)

Use a vacuum to clean the air ducts (channels). This prevents dust from burning and creating odors.

The optional blower should be vacuumed every year to remove any buildup of dust, lint, etc.



Firebrick and Baffle Inspection

Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any

buildup on the screens of the blower.

Use the illustration on page 33 as a reference for checking the following items. Make sure the appliance is cool before proceeding.

Baffle Firebricks - check the bricks along the ceiling of the firebox to make sure they are intact and have no gaps between them. Slide the bricks to eliminate any gaps.

Baffle Supports - make sure the front and back baffle supports in are place and not degraded. Slight scaling or rusting of the metal is normal.

Secondary Air Tubes - Check the two air tubes and collars to make sure they are intact and not severely deteriorated. Slight scaling or rusting of the metal is normal. Make sure the push pins hold the air tubes in place.

Floor and Wall Firebricks - replace any severely damaged firebrick along the side or floor of the firebox.

Travis Industries


4 020327

Image 31
Contents Answer Wood Stove SAFETY NOTICEListed I n t r o d u c t i o n 2IntroductionImportant Information Table of Contents Safety Precautions 93508131 Safety PrecautionsMobile Travis IndustriesHeating Specifications Features & SpecificationsInstallation Options FeaturesInstallation Type SAFETY NOTICEPlanning The Installation Stove Installation for qualified installers onlyMin. 6” Stove Installation for qualified installers onlyFloor Protection Requirements 018 thick 26 gauge Min. 6”Stove Installation for qualified installers only Stove Placement RequirementsClearances Drafting Chimney RequirementsPerformance Slanted Roofs Stove Installation for qualified installers onlyChimney Termination Requirements Outside Air RequirementsAlcove Installation Requirements Mobile Home Requirements Stove Installation for qualified installers onlyaFactory Built Chimney Cathedral Ceiling with S t a n d a r d Ceiling withaFactory Built Chimney H e a r t h S t o v e P o s i t i v e Stove Installation for qualified installers onlyE x t e r i o r F a c t o r y B u i l t C h i m n e yN O T E Interior or Exterior Masonry ChimneyC o n n e c t i o n H e a r t h S t o v e D i r e c tInstallation Type SAFETY NOTICEPlanning The Installation Insert Installation for qualified installers onlyMinimum Fireplace Size Insert Placement RequirementsInsert Size Requirements see Illustration below Hearth RequirementsZero-ClearanceMetal Fireplace Requirements Leveling Bolt InstallationInsert Installation for qualified installers only Masonry Fireplace RequirementsBlock-OffPlate Installation Connection Insert Installation for qualified installers onlyInsert with PositiveConnection Insertwith DirectOpening the Door Operating Your ApplianceSafety Notice Before Your First FireStarting a Fire Operating Your ApplianceUse the air control to change the burn rate Adjusting the Burn RateOperating Your Appliance Ash RemovalOvernight Burn Operating Your ApplianceOptional Blower Operation Re-Loadingthe StoveWood Operating Your ApplianceHints for Burning Selecting WoodOperating Your Appliance T r o u b l e s h o o t i n gDaily Maintenance while stove is in use Maintaining Your ApplianceASHES Monthly Maintenance while appliance is in use 30Maintaining Your ApplianceTouch Up Paint Yearly MaintenanceCleaning the Air Duct and Blower if applicable Maintaining Your ApplianceDoor Parts 32Maintaining Your Appliance1 2 3 4 5 6 9 11 Description Maintaining Your ApplianceFirebox Parts ID #Remove the left pin on the air tube collar 34Maintaining Your ApplianceAir Tube Collar Air TubeYears 3 Through 5 - COVERAGE PARTS & LABOR Warranty35IF WARRANTY SERVICE IS NEEDED Years 1 & 2 - COVERAGE PARTS & LABORSERIAL NUMBER Listing LabelMODEL Pedestal Optional EquipmentAir Control Rod Optional EquipmentOptional Equipment Rear Blower Installation Part numberOptional Equipment Outside Air Boot Installation Part numberSurround Panel Size Optional EquipmentSurround Panels see part #s below Rectangular PanelsTravis Industries Optional Equipment93508131 Front Blower part # TO SWITCH THE POWER CORD TO THE LEFT SIDEINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Optional Equipment44Index