GE ADEHSO, ADERSO warranty About the controlson the dehumidifier, Fan Speed Pad, Delay Off

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About the controlson the dehumidifier.

4 houror2 hour


Cleanthe Filter







bucketneedsto beemptied





oris not inplaceinthe unit


Humidity %

4 hour





2 hour



NOTE:When the bucket is full or removed, the

controls cGnnot be set.


OPower Pad

Pressto turn the dehumidifier on and off.

OFiiter Timer

After 250 hours of operation,the Cleanthe Filter

indicator light will glow to remind you to clean the filter. Removethe filter and clean it.

Pressto turn off the Cleanthe Filterlight.See the Careand Cleaningsection.

@Humidity Set Control Pads

The humidity level can be set within a range of 35% RH(RelativeHumidity)to 80% RH(Relative Humidity) in 5% increments or at COlor continuous operation. To set the unit for continuous operation, pressthe T pad until the screen reads CO.

NOTE:If CO(Continuous)is selected,the dehumidifier will operate continuously at its maximum dehumidification settings if attached to a hose to drain or until the bucket isfull.

Fordrier air, pressthe V pad and set to a lower percent value (%).

Fordamper air, pressthe A pad and set to a higher percent value (%).












Clean the Filter




When you first use the dehumidifier, set

the humidity control to 45% or 50%. Allow at least 24 hours for the dehumidifier to achieve

the humidity level. Ifyou still have damper air than desired,set the humidity level to a lower

setting or select Continuous for maximum dehumidification.

Shows the set % humidity level while setting, then shows the actual (+/- 5% accuracy) room % humidity level.

0 Fan Speed Pad

Controls the fan speed.

Pressto select either High,Medium or Lewfan speed.

Set the fan control to Highfor maximum moisture removal. When the humidity has been reduced and quiet operation is preferred, set the fan control to Medium or Low.

O Delay Off

While the dehumidifier is in operation, press this pad to set it to automatically turn off in 2 hours or/4 hours.



Glowswhen the bucket is ready to be emptied, or when the bucket is removed or not replaced in the proper position.


Ifthe bucket isfull or missingfor more than 3 minutes,an alarm will sound for about 10seconds to remindyou to empty and replacethe bucket.


4The Water LevelControl Switch shuts off the dehumidifier when the bucket isfull, or when

the bucket is removed or not replaced in the proper position. NOTE: Fan will continue to run approximately 3 minutes after bucket is removed.


When frost builds up on the evaporator coils,the compressor will cycle off and the fan will continue to run until the frost disappears.

Power Outage

In the case of a power outage or interruption, the unit will automatically restart, in the settings last used,after the power is restored.

Image 4 Contents
49-7619-1 12-09GE TroubleshootingModel # Serial # IMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATION. Readall iNSTRUCTiONSBEFOREUSING Do not use an adapter plug with this applianceUseofextensioncords GEAppliance&comAbout the controlson the dehumidifier Delay OffFan Speed Pad Usingthedehumidifier How the Behumidifier OperatesAutomatic Defrost Choosing a LocationUsingthe dehumidifier Water LevelThebucket mustbe replaced in the proper position Proper positionCareandcleaningof thedehumidifier Grille and CasePossible Causes What To Do DoesnotstartDrythe airas #should ToomuchOwhershjpregjstratjoh ONTARIO,L4Y461 We Will Replace We Will Replace Entretien Nettoyage SerieInscrivez ici les humerus de modele et de Numem de modele Numem de SerieNuti/isez PAS dadaptateurs avec cet apparel Conservezcesinstructions Proposdes commandosdu d .shumidificateur CompteurhorairedufiltreAffichage Touchesdereglagede IhumiditeChoix dun Emplacement UtilisationdudeshumidificateurFonctionnement flu B#shumidificateur #givrage Automatique Nutilisezpas le deshumidificateur IexterieurNiveau dEau Retrait de/Eau Co//ect#e×tr6mit6 au niveau du siphon de sol SeauMiseen Garbe ai,MSs Entretienet nettoyagedu d#shumidificateurGrille et Bo#ier Filtre a AirOwnershipregjstratjoh Andto aflowforefficientcommunicalbnundertheterms Conseilsde d#pannage El=,rome, Probl#meCauses Possibles Que faireDeshumidificateur GE Garantie LimiteeDun An Dachatinitial Dur6e de Igrntie dorigineduninServicea/a clientele Site IntemetGEAcerca Los controles C6mo El agua Acumulada C6mo Funciona El deshumedificadorAutomdtico Nivel de agua Selecci6n Del Lugar adecuado Producto con la etiqueta ENERGYSTAR/EIADVERTENCIA B4sicas de seguridad, incluyendoComoconectarlaelectricidad No USEun enchufe adaptador con este aparatoRetarde en apagade Delay Off Pcerca de los controlesde/deshumedificador CEArplianoe .oomBotonesparael Controlde humedad FanSpeedC6mo usar el deshumedificador Comofunciona el deshumedificador Descongelado automaticoSeleccion de/lugar adecuado No use el deshumedificadoren exterioresNivel de agua Como desechar el agua acumuladaHay 2 formasde desechar el agua acumulada Cuidadoy limpiezade/deshumedificador PRECAUCIONNo elReji//a y gabinete TanquedeaguaLa luzLEDde Tanque Uene destellay suenala alarma Ideaspara la identificaci6ny soluci6n depmblemasEldeshumedificador noenciende Causaspesibles Qu6hater HacemideGarantia de su deshumedificador--garantialimitada de un afio Piezos y occesorios ConsumerSupport GEAppliancesWebsite