Kenmore 580.53509, 580.53701 Panel DE Control, Funcionamientodel Deshumidificador, Eaja

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Elpaneldecofltrddesudeshun_lirzcadorindoyeunindicadorderecipientedeaguaIleno(B_ Full),_ _ del_

deIxrnedad(Hunkl_), unbot_ndeencendidoy apagado(PowerContrd),unbot_ decort_ddelniveldehumedad(Humid_ control),unco_d develoddaddelvenP_ador(FanSpeedCmtrol),y unbot6ndecor_ temporizadoi" _).

Indicadorderedpientedeaguaneno(1_ FullIndicator)-Esteindicadorse endendecuandoelrecipie_e _ _

ilenoy necesita. Tamb_ seendendecuandoelrecip_e dea9uanoest_colocado¢o_mente.

Bot6nde ence_lidoy apagado(Power)- B deshumiditcadorcon_,enzafundonarcuandose opalineestebot6ny dejade haoerloalvolvera opdmirto.

Bo_nde conf¢oldelniveldehumedad(HumidityControl)- Eslebot6ncontrolaelniveldehumedadenlahabitaci6n.

o: Pareelevarelvalordelniveldehumedad

o: Pararedodrelvalordelrdveldehomedad

B niveldehumedadpuedefija_eenunrangode35%a 70%dehumedadrelaliva,enk_rementosdeon5%de_ _z

•Siopimeelbot_e denuevounavezaJcanzadounn'_ldehumedadreb_de135%,semuestraOnylaunkJadopera







Bol6ndecontroldevelocidaddeivenlgador(FanSpeed)- Estebot_ confzolaveloddaddelgujodeaim.




CuandoseopdmeelbotbndecontroldeveloddaddelvenlJlador,elmododevelockJad _r



e L_








Botbnlempodzadordeenergia(EnergyTenet)- OptimaeslebotMparaseleccionarlJpodefuncionamiento.


• SelecdoneCo_t (Consta_)paraunfunoionamieinino_mpido.





• Seleccionebien3 o6 HrOn/Offparefuncionamientocicico,enddosde3 o6 hobs.





Launidadfundon_ dorante3o 6 horasy luegoseapaga__omptetamenteduranteokas3 o6 horn.



B ddoserepi_hastaquecambieelmododefundmamienb.





• Cua_doseoprined bo_ tempodzadordeenergb,bs lutesindicadomsdeltempodzadorvarianse_ _ _


confinuackContinuousOn:-) 3 HrOn/Off-)6 _ On/Off-.)Conf_uousOn(Ence_lidosininterrupc -z,e_


apegadocada3 hobs-) encendidoy apag_docada6 hobs-) encen_dosininte_rulx:k)_




Reencendidoautom_co(AutoReslad)- Una_ezvuekelaek_bicidaddespu_deunaintenupc_delnm_





deonfJempodeesperade2 minubs.



1.Conecteel enchufeen unatomade pared.Pulseel bot_ndeer_er_do.

2.Conligureel conlxolde humedadenlreel 35%HR(HumedadRela_a) y 70%HR(HumedadRelaf_a)papaobtenetun fundonamienbnormal.

Si Ixe6ereunmayorgradodesequedadenel aim,optimael o bok_ndeconboldehumedad(Humi_


Si pre6ereunmayor9_,adodehumedaden elaire,optimael obot_n de_



3.Pulseelbo_n deencendidoparadelenerlaunidad_mente.

4.Apriebel bolondel Reloal conjunblaca_dad de _mpe ustedquierequelaunidad _. Afinesdeese gempo,la unidadap_ga'a.

B Relojse puedeporterpara:la Consfinuous,3 horaso 6 horas.

5.Si deseaconbolarlavdocidaddela conientedeaire,pulsed Ix_n develocidaddel ventfladorCadavezq._ _ es_e10ot_n,secambiar'el_mododevelocidaddelvenblador:Alto. .-) bajo...z,.

Nora:esimportantenopettiereltanquedd agua.

Estedeshumklfficadorno funcionar_zi no 8ene el tmque de aguadebldamenteinstalado.


Image 15
Contents Dehumidifier Deshumidificador Removing Full ONE Year Warranty on DehumidifierFull Five Year Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration System Water BucketElectrical Information Important Safety InstructionsDo not USE AN Extension Cord Recommended Grounding Method ReseptadeFeatures To Operate the Dehbmidirer Control PanelDefrost Control LFIWillcontinually drainwater from the bucket Grille and Case Cleaning Inside the UnitGeneral Cleaning Water Bucket CleaningDehumidifier Does not start Refrigeracion DE AguaMY-HOME Para a MAS Cercano Centro DEL Servicio a Usted Informacion Sobre LA Electricidad ParedPorsu Propia Seguridad Evite AccidentesNo USE Cable Elfctrico DE Extension TerradeestaclavijaCaracterjsticas Panel DE Control Funcionamientodel DeshumidificadorEaja Cua10 elc0d deiento Controlde DescongelamientoVaciado manual del recipiente Cuandoelredpienteest6geo Esaco.sejabanspoelrLimpieza DEL Recipiente DE Deshum/diflcador no Tre

580.53509, 580.53701 specifications

The Kenmore 580.53701 and 580.53509 are two powerful air purifiers designed to enhance indoor air quality for homes and offices. These models are well-regarded for their exceptional filtration capabilities, compact design, and user-friendly features.

One of the standout features of both models is their multi-stage filtration system. They utilize a HEPA filter that captures 99.97% of airborne particles, including dust, pollen, pet dander, smoke, and mold spores. This makes them an excellent choice for allergy sufferers and anyone looking to breathe cleaner air. The pre-filter extends the life of the HEPA filter by trapping larger particles, while activated carbon layers eliminate odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air.

The Kenmore 580.53701 is known for its higher Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR) compared to the 580.53509, making it suitable for larger spaces. It has a CADR rating that efficiently circulates air, ensuring the room stays fresh and pollutant-free. The additional surge technology in the 580.53701 enables it to quickly remove smoke, dust, and pollen, making it ideal for those with environmental sensitivities.

Both models feature a sleek and modern design that allows them to blend seamlessly into any room's decor. They come with intuitive controls, allowing users to easily select fan speeds, set timers, and monitor filter status. The noise levels are kept at a minimum, meaning that these air purifiers can operate quietly in bedrooms or workspaces without being intrusive.

Energy efficiency is another highlight, as both the 580.53701 and 580.53509 are designed to consume minimal power. This makes them not only eco-friendly but also cost-effective in the long run. The filters are also easy to replace, and the design allows for straightforward maintenance.

In conclusion, the Kenmore 580.53701 and 580.53509 air purifiers offer robust filtration, innovative technologies, and practical features that cater to a wide range of indoor air quality needs. Their reliability and performance make them standout choices for consumers looking to improve their home environment efficiently. With their user-centric designs and effective air purification capabilities, Kenmore continues to uphold its reputation as a leader in home appliance solutions.