14.Do not allow paint, chemicals or construction dust on or near your unit. Do not allow liquid or ANY foreign materials on or inside your unit. Shut your unit down and cover it when painting, construction or similar activity is taking place. Wipe and clean your unit after any construction is done in your home, or if any foreign material gets on or inside your unit. You may also need to remove the rear and side cover plates to your unit (unplug unit first) and vacuum and clean the motors and inside of your unit.
15.Improper gasket maintenance, including failure to replace gaskets, can cause air leaks resulting in
16.Remember that, as with any appliance, there is user responsibility involved, including installation, operation and maintenance of this product. Be sure to check local codes, and call Technical Support at (800)
17.Be sure to follow the directions of all manufacturers of third party products that you use, including exhaust pipe, etc. Never use gasoline, lantern fuel, charcoal lighter fluid, diesel fuel or any other flammable liquid to start the fire. If you manually start your unit, recommended fire starter materials are:
18.Basement Installation: We recommend basement installation be performed only by a professional installer. For basement installations, a 3” (three inch) pipe and coupler must be used for Outside Combustion Air, and a minimum clearance of 3’ (three feet) must be maintained from the ground to the pellet vent exhaust pipe outside the dwelling. Keep in mind that each elbow used reduces draft by 15%; it is good practice to add 3’ (three feet) of vertical rise for each elbow used. Example: After the 2nd elbow used, have 6’ (six feet) of vertical rise before terminating your vent pipe.
1.Attach the spring handle to the door by turning it counterclockwise.
Important: Also check hopper latches – must be tight so that the top is sealed to prevent
2.Test your
3.It is important to note that this stove is equipped with a dual auger system. The top auger runs intermittently and drops pellets to the bottom auger; the bottom auger runs constantly and simply pushes the pellets forward to the burn pot. The control board (“Heat Range”) setting determines the top auger feed rate.
4.The stove has a digital
5.Check to be sure both augers and the exhaust blower are operating before connecting the unit to the flue system. Be sure to “dry run” your unit for 20 minutes before connecting it to the flue (it should stop automatically after 20 minutes).
Visit our web site at www.englanderstoves.com for helpful information,
frequently asked questions, parts/accessory orders and more!