Electrolux ZA2 manual

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Trilobite – a class of arthropods that lived on earth about 250-560 million years ago. Many received nourishment by vacuum- ing the ocean beds for small animals and particles. Their backs were hard, and they are perhaps the most well known fossils we know today, and can often be observed embedded in stone in walls, staircases and floors. This ancient creature has served as a source of inspiration for the futuristic design of Trilobite.

Trilobiitti – niveljalkaisiin kuuluva eläinlaji, joka eli maapallolla noin 250 - 560 miljoonaa vuotta sitten. Trilobiitit elivät “imuroimalla” pieniä eläimiä ja hiukkasia valtamerien pohjasta. Niiden selässä oli kova panssari, ja trilobiittien fossiilit ovat ehkä tunnetuin fossiilimuoto, joka nykyään tunnetaan. Trilobiittien fossiileja löytyy kallioseinämistä sekä kivistä. Tämä esihistoriallinen eläin

on vaikuttanut inspiroivasti Trilobite-imurin futuristiseen muotoiluun.

Трилобиты – класс членистоногих, живших на Земле приблизительно 250–560 млн лет назад. Многие из них питались, подбирая со дна океана органические частицы и мелких животных. Панцирь трилобитов был очень твердым. Вероятно, это самые известные из ископаемых существ – нередко их можно увидеть навсегда застывшими в камне стен, лестниц и полов. Облик давно вымерших животных послужил источником вдохновения при создании футуристического дизайна пылесоса «Трилобит».

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Contents Page Page Table of Contents Sisällys Содержание English Suomi РусскийPage But before starting, read For Your Own Safety on pages Product description Functional Description For Your Own Safety Risk of falling Cleaning of TrilobiteCleaning the dust and filter collector Loose objects on tables, etcMove the furniture For your own safetyPreparations Before Use Loose objectsRooms with wall openings Rooms with a staircaseRooms with landings or split levels Rooms with doorstepsButtons and Display Quick vacuuming Vacuuming ProgramsNormal vacuuming Spot vacuumingLanguage Timer and Changing Programmable Message Display LanguageTimer Status MessagesError Messages Emptying and Cleaning the Dust Collector Cleaning the RollerEnglish Questions and Answers Why doesn’t it charge?Do I need to vacuum myself also? Filter Accessories After-Sales ServiceCustomer Service Reservations MiscellaneousTechnical Specifications Declaration of conformity TrilobiteРусский 822 86 00-01 05/04