Learning Codes from a Remote
Erasing Macro Commands
To remove the commands that have been programmed into one of the Macro buttons, follow these steps:
1.Press the Mute button A and the Macro button K that contains the commands you wish to erase.
2. Note that the Program Indicator will flash amber, and the red LED under the Input Selector 0 last used will turn on.
3.Within ten seconds, press the Mute button A.
4. The red LED under the Selector will go out,
and the Program Indicator will turn green and flash three times before it goes out.
5. When the Program Indicator | goes out, |
the Macro has been erased. |
DVD Language Codes
The availability of specific languages for the main audio track or subtitles is dependent on the choices made by a disc’s producer. You should always consult the disc’s jacket for information on languages for any disc. In the case of some languages, you may be required to enter a code from the list below to access that language.
Language | Code | Language | Code | Language | Code |
Abkhazian | 6566 | Hausa | 7265 | 8277 | |
Afar | 6565 | Hebrew | 7387 | Romanian | 8279 |
Afrikaans | 6570 | Hindi | 7273 | Russian | 8285 |
Albanian | 8381 | Hungarian | 7285 | Samoan | 8377 |
Ameharic | 6577 | Icelandic | 7383 | Sangho | 8371 |
Arabic | 6582 | Indonesian | 7378 | Sanskrit | 8365 |
Armenian | 7289 | Interlingua | 7365 | Scots Gaelic | 7168 |
Assamese | 6583 | Interlingue | 7369 | Serbian | 8382 |
Aymara | 6588 | Iunpiak | 7375 | 8372 | |
Azerbaijani | 6590 | Irish | 7165 | Sesotho | 8384 |
Bashkir | 6665 | Italian | 7384 | Setswana | 8478 |
Basque | 6985 | Japanese | 7465 | Shona | 8378 |
Bengali; Bangla | 6678 | Javanese | 7487 | Sindhi | 8368 |
Bhutani | 6890 | Kannada | 7578 | Singhalese | 8373 |
Bihari | 6672 | Kashmiri | 7583 | Siswati | 8383 |
Bislama | 6673 | Kazakh | 7575 | Slovak | 8375 |
Breton | 6682 | Kinyarwanda | 8287 | Slovenian | 8376 |
Bulgarian | 6671 | Kirghiz | 7589 | Somali | 8379 |
Burmese | 7789 | Kirundi | 8278 | Spanish | 6983 |
Byelorussian | 6669 | Korean | 7579 | Sundanese | 8385 |
Cambodian | 7577 | Kurdish | 7585 | Swahili | 8387 |
Catalan | 6765 | Laothian | 7679 | Swedish | 8386 |
Chinese | 9072 | Latin | 7665 | Tagalog | 8476 |
Corsican | 6779 | Latvian, Lettish | 7686 | Tajik | 8471 |
Croatian | 7282 | Lingala | 7678 | Tamil | 8465 |
Czech | 6783 | Lithuanian | 7684 | Tatar | 8484 |
Danish | 6865 | Macedonian | 7775 | Telugu | 8469 |
Dutch | 7876 | Malagsy | 7771 | Thai | 8472 |
English | 6978 | Malay | 7783 | Tibetan | 6679 |
Esperanto | 6979 | Malayalam | 7776 | Tigrinya | 8473 |
Estonian | 6984 | Maltese | 7784 | Tonga | 8479 |
Faroese | 7079 | Maori | 7773 | Tsonga | 8483 |
Fiji | 7074 | Marathi | 7782 | Turkish | 8482 |
Finnish | 7073 | Moldavian | 7779 | Turkmen | 8475 |
French | 7082 | Mongolian | 7778 | Twi | 8487 |
Frisian | 7089 | Naru | 7865 | Ukrainian | 8575 |
Galician | 7176 | Nepali | 7869 | Urdu | 8582 |
Georgian | 7565 | Norwegian | 7879 | Uzbek | 8590 |
German | 6869 | Occitan | 7967 | Vietnamese | 8673 |
Greek | 6976 | Oriya | 7982 | Volapuk | 8679 |
Greenlandic | 7576 | Oromo (Afan) | 7977 | Welsh | 6789 |
Guarani | 7178 | Panjabi | 8065 | Wolof | 8779 |
Gujarati | 7185 | Pashto, Pushto | 8083 | Xhosa | 8872 |
| Persian | 7065 | Yiddish | 7473 |
| Polish | 8076 | Yoruba | 8979 |
| Portuguese | 8084 | Zulu | 9085 |
| Quechua | 8185 |