6.If you have a GDL 69A, Verify Audio ID contains the eight character identification code. Then verify that AUDIO SIGNAL quality is either “Weak” or “Strong”. If signal quality is “Antenna” or “None’, check the antenna and wiring.
7.SERVICE CLASS will initially read “DETECTING ACTIVATION”. After the your activation request is completely processed by the XM activation system the service class field should change to the class that corresponds to the service level that you requested. This value will either be Aviation LT or Aviator.
For a list of weather products available for the service level you requested, see XTable
8.When the correct Service Class is being displayed , press the MENU key, select the “Lock Data Link Activation” menu item by highlighting it, then press the ENT key. This locks your activation into the GDL 69A.
Figure 5-2. XM Information Page Menu
For all 400W/500W Series units, verify that all weather products have been received. Leave unit on for 1.5 hours to allow all weather products to be received. Do not change channels or pages during this time.
Table 5-1. GNS 430W/530W Weather Products Available in United States
| Aviator Lite |
Product | (Aviator LT) |
| Subscription |
High Resolution NEXRAD Radar | |
Radar Coverage | |
Precipitation Type (at surface) | |
TFRs | |
METARs | |
TAFs | |
Winds Aloft (at altitude) |
Lightning |
Severe Weather Storm Tracks |
Aviator Pro
Page 20 | XM Activation Procedures |
Rev. H |