=D(m”tiqm m? doors more often
It is intendedto help you operate and maintain your new refrigerator properly.
Keep it handy for answersto your questions.
If you don’tunderstandsomething or need more help, write (include your phone number):
Consumer Affairs
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
writedown the model and Serial
You’llsee them on a label at the bottom, just inside the fresh food compartment door.
These numbers are also on the Consumer Product Ownership Registration Card that came with your refrigerator.
IS Be sure the doors are closed @htiy. Before leaving the MXiSe
or mtiririg for the night, check to be Surethe doors haven’tbeen left open accidtm’@l@.
Beforesendingin the registration card, please write these numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Use these numbersin any correspondence or service calls concerningyour refrigerator.
If you receiveda damaged refrigerator,immediatelycontact the dealer (or builder) that sold you the refrigerator.
Savetime and money. Beforeyou request service, check the Problem Solveron pages 12 through 14.It lists minor causes of operating problems that you can correct yourself.
@Keep foods cowed toreduce moisture buildup inside the refrigerator.