Hotpoint CTX18HJ, CTX20EJ, CTX20GJ, CTX18GJ, CTX18PJ, CTX18LJ, CTX18KJ, CTXH18HJ, CTX20PJ Ike service

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Ike service


n modelssoequipped)

ur icemaker will produce eight

ebes per cycle–approximately 100cubes in a 24-hour period, dependingon freezer compartment temperature, room temperature, number of door openingsand other use conditions.

If your refrigeratoris operated before water connection k made to the icemaker, keep the icemaker feeler arm in the OFF (up) position as shown below.

Feeler Arm in OFF position


Ice cube mold will automatically fill with water afler coolingto freezingtemperature, and first cubes normally freeze afier several hours. When cubes are solidly frozen, they will be ejected from the mold into the ice storagebin by means of a sweeperarm. Icemaking will continue until the feeler arm senses a sufficientaccumulationof ice cubes in the storagebin and halts the operation temporarily.For maximum ice storage, levelthe stored cubes with your hand occasionally.Be sure nothing interferes with the swing of the feeler arm.

The icemaker ejects cubes in groups of eight and it is normal for severalcubes to be joined together.

Once your kemaker is in operation, throw away the first few batches of ice cubes. This will flush awayany impurities in the water line. Do the same thing after vacations or extended periods when ice isn’tused.

Move kemaker feeler arm to

OFF (up) positionwhen:

@home water supplyis to be off for severalhours.

~ice storagebin is to be removed for a period of time.

~goingawayon vacation, at which time you shouldalso turn off the valvein the water supplyline to your refrigerator.

Eice is used infrequently,old cubes will become cloudy and taste stale. Empty ice storagebin periodically and wash it in lukewarmwater.

When a I!argesuppiy of ice wili be needed, make an extra supply ahead of time. Empty bin, put cubes in plastic bags or containers and store in the freezer compartment until the bin refills.

Hthis is your first kemaker, you’llhear occasional sounds that may be unfamiliar.They are normal icemaking sounds and are not






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Ice Storage Bin

when !refE’@!ratorhas been

mmeded towater sqqdy, move the feeler arm to the ON (down) position.

Feeler Arm in

ON position

unusual discokxh&m is -

apparently due to a comb,inatkm.


of factors such as certain

characteristics of local waters,


household plurnbin~ and the


accumulation.of copper salts in


im itmctivewater supply line


which feeds the icemak+


Continued &msm2zptiQnof such ~ discolored ice cubes may be kj!.lrklus to health. If such

discoloration is observed, ~ dka.rd the ice cubes and contact

your HotpGiRtFactory servics Q=@erOran a@b~ri~ed

f&tomer Care(Dservkur.

(continued nexfpizge)


Pall No. 46mlPo6


Image 9
Contents Tips e Xiqi ~~~~ These Clearances ’’GE7mw FoodStomgeSUuestiom Shelves Adjustable* shelvesinDe@chableMeatJIh’’’awer DmwerRemovalIke service QWha Kken waterE’ikx AutomaticIcemakerCkmkm.ser Light i!bdbreplacementQuestions? Hotairfrom TheProblemSOIV~~ IfYouNeedservice YOUR~mpog~~RefrigeratOr Warranty