TSCDIST_ImmBlderManual 10/16/07 12:10 PM Page 37
Fresh Homemade
Peanut Butter
Makes about 1 cup
1 cup roasted peanuts
11/2 teaspoons kosher salt (or 3/4 teaspoon iodized salt)
1tablespoon light corn syrup or honey
3 tablespoons peanut oil
1 tablespoon water
1Combine all ingredients into the Immersion Chopper Bowl. Add lid and motor and puree using the TURBO button for 15 seconds. Mix a little longer if a smoother texture is desired.
Note: Use the same amounts but vary the ingredients to suit your tastes. Cashews and almonds are wonderful too.
Recipe courtesy Marian Getz
Baby Food Peas
Makes 1 1/2 cups
2 cups fresh or frozen peas, preferably organic, thawed 1/2 cup liquid such as water, breast milk, formula
1Combine in beaker and puree with Immersion Blender pressing the TURBO button till mixture is as smooth as desired. Remove and store airtight for 1 day or spread mixture out in an ice cube tray and freeze. When solidly frozen, pop out of tray into zip to bag. Keep for no more than 1 month, frozen.
Most foods can be pureed for your baby using your Immersion Blender. Most fruits do not need added liquid. Meats and starchy vegetables usually do.
Recipe courtesy Marian Getz
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