310306_mini chopper cookbook.qxp 4/4/2006 15:44 Page 13
HOT BEAN CREAM (serves four to six)
CRUNCHY CRUMBS (serves four)
An unusual side dish for traditional British roast lamb or pork.
a tin of cannellini or flageolet beans or 220g (8oz) cooked beans
2 tbsp olive oil
a medium onion
1 tbsp chopped rosemary leaves (optional)
salt and pepper
•Rinse the beans in a sieve in warm water and pat dry
•Chop the onion and rosemary leaves in the mini chopper. Heat olive oil in a pan and add the mixture and soften by cooking gently for 10 minutes
•Stir in the beans. Put the mixture in the mini chopper and whiz until smooth
•You may need to make this in two batches. Add plenty of salt and pepper to taste
Fish or chicken in golden crunchy crumbs. A coating of breadcrumbs keeps the flavour and juices in, and makes a crispy crust to bite on.
plenty of fresh breadcrumbs (see Daily uses for your Dualit mini chopper, page 10)
4 heaped tbsp plain white flour, seasoned with salt and pepper
an egg
a pinch of salt
4 chicken breasts or boned and skinned fillets of white fish
sunflower or groundnut oil for frying
•Spread out the breadcrumbs and flour (separately) on two dinner plates. Beat the egg with the salt and pour onto another plate