It is recommended that you disconnect the power cord before cleaning.
Your refrigeratorcan be roiledoutfor cleaning. Turn the levelers,at eachfront co_ of the cabinet,counterclockwise untiltheyturnfreely. Then pullthe cabinet stra out. Note: If you have an Automatic ice Maker installed, we recommend that you off the water suppty before moving the cabinet.
After cleaning behind your refrigerator, push it backandturn the levelers clockwise_ they touch the floor end lock the cabinet in place.
Use mild soap and water, DO NOT use scouring powders, automobile wax, or furn polish. Rinse with clear water.
Door gaskets may be cleaned with soap and water, a baking soda solution, or
scouring powder.
Clean both compartments and inner doorpanels with mild soap and water. Oo no an abrasive powder, solvent, polish cleaner or undiluted detergent.
When cleaning a glass cantilever shelf, you can remove it and submerge the assemb(yin warm water. Neverusehotwater. Alwayeallowglesstowarmupto temperature before immersing in warm water.