Snorkel Up/Down
Pushing the Snorkel Up/Down moves the intake up or down.
Pushing this button while snorkel is raising or lowering will stop motion.
Pushing again will reverse motion.
0Blower Off
1Low Blower Speed
2Medium Blower Speed
3High Blower Speed
Pressing the High, Medium, or Low Blower Speed buttons will turn on or change the ventilator speed to the corresponding button selected.
For Best Results
❑Turn the blower on before starting to cook.
❑A higher heat setting may be needed when the downdraft is in operation.
❑Use a rear burner when browning or pan frying meat.
❑Open a window or inside door slightly.
❑Clean the filters and the wall behind the filters frequently.
❑For Gas Cooktops, a lower blower speed should be used if:
•the gas flame is being distorted by the air movement.
•the burner continually sparks (clicks).
•the burner flame repeatedly blows out.
To Raise the Intake
❑Press the UP/DOWN
❑The intake will stop automatically at its maximum height.
❑The blower will automatically turn on to the previously set blower speed.
To Set or Adjust Blower Speed
❑Vary the blower speed as needed for the food or the cooking method being used.
For example: greasy or pungent foods require greater ventilation power than boiling pasta.
To Lower the Intake
❑Press the UP/DOWN
Note: The blower will turn off when the intake is lowered if operating when the UP/DOWN
If Intake Stops
❑Locate and remove obstruction.
❑Press UP/DOWN button to raise intake.
❑Press UP/DOWN button again to lower intake.