Panasonic NN H765WF, NN H965WF, NN H765BF Food Characteristics Cooking Techniques

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Food Characteristics

Cooking Techniques

Bone and Fat

Both bone and fat affect cook- ing. Bones may cause irregu- lar cooking. Meat next to the tips of bones may overcook

while meat positioned under a large bone, such as a ham bone, may be under- cooked. Large amounts of fat absorb microwave energy and the meat next to these areas may overcook.


Porous, airy foods such as breads, cakes or rolls take less time to cook than heavy, dense foods such as potatoes and roasts. When reheating donuts or other

foods with different centers be very care- ful. Certain foods have centers made with sugar, water, or fat and these centers attract microwaves (For example, jelly donuts). When a jelly donut is heated, the jelly can become extremely hot while the exterior remains warm to the touch. This could result in a burn if the food is not allowed to cool properly in the center.


Two potatoes take longer to cook than one potato. As the quantity of the food decreases so does the cooking time. Overcooking will cause the moisture content in the food to decrease and a fire could result. Never leave microwave unattended while in use.


Uniform sizes heat more evenly. The thin end of a drumstick will cook more quickly than the meaty

end. To compensate for irregular shapes, place thin parts toward the center of the dish and thick pieces toward the edge.


Thin pieces cook more quickly than thick pieces.

Starting Temperature

Foods that are at room temperature take less time to cook than if they are chilled, refrigerated, or frozen.


Foods with skins or mem- branes must be pierced scored or have a strip of skin peeled before cook- ing to allow steam to escape. Pierce clams,

oysters, chicken livers, whole potatoes and whole vegetables. Whole apples or new potatoes should have a 1-inch strip of skin peeled before cooking. Score sausages and frankfurters. Do not Cook/Reheat whole eggs with or without the shell. Steam build up in whole eggs may cause them to explode, and possibly damage the oven or cause injury. Reheating SLICED hard-boiled eggs and cooking SCRAMBLED eggs is safe.


Foods will not have the same brown appearance as conventionally cooked foods or those foods which are cooked utilizing a browning feature. Meats and poultry

may be coated with browning sauce, Worcestershire sauce, barbecue sauce or shake-on browning sauce. To use, com- bine browning sauce with melted butter or margarine and brush on before cooking. For quick breads or muffins, brown sugar can be used in the recipe in place of granulated sugar, or the surface can be sprinkled with dark spices before baking.


Individual foods, such as baked potatoes, cupcakes and appetizers, will cook more evenly if placed in the oven equal distances apart. When

possible, arrange foods in a circular pattern.


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Contents Safety Information MaintenanceOperating Instructions OperationMicrowave Oven Safety Your safety and the safety of others are very importantImportant Safety Instructions To Avoid the Risk of Shock Placement of Oven InstallationGlass Tray Roller RingPower Supply Wiring RequirementsGrounding Instructions TV / Radio InterferenceSafety Precautions PopcornDeep FAT Frying Foods with Nonporous SkinsGlass Tray / Cooking Containers / Foil Paper Towels / ClothsBrowning Dishes / Oven Cooking Bags ThermometersCookware Guide Microwave CommentsOven Components Diagram Power Level Timer Pad Clock Pad Stop/Reset Pad Start PadControl Panel Display WindowSetting the Clock Function FeaturesStarting to Use Your Oven Example To set 1125 a.m. or p.mFunction Features Keep Warm Feature Press Power LevelTo Set Cooking Time Example To keep 2 cups of gravy warmPopcorn Feature More/Less FeatureRemarks Inverter Turbo Defrost Feature Conversion ChartDefrosting Tips & Techniques Example To defrost 1.5 pounds of meatDefrost After Defrosting Food During DefrostingFish and Seafood MeatSensor Reheat Feature Sensor Cook FeatureDo not USE Sensor Reheat Example To cook Frozen EntréesSensor Cook Chart Microwave Recipes OmeletCasserole Approx. cooking time 4 minutesTimer Feature To Use as a Kitchen TimerTo Set Delay Start To Set Stand TimeFood Power Time Directions Microwave ShortcutsBacon To cook VegetablesTo warm Beverage Food Characteristics Cooking Techniques Covering ShieldingCooking time StirringCare and Cleaning of Your Microwave Oven Before CleaningBefore Requesting Service ProblemPossible Cause Remedy Limited Warranty & Customer Services Directory Panasonic Microwave Oven Product Limited WarrantyFeature How to Operate Power and TimeKitchen Timer Delay StartSpecifications User’s RecordModel No Serial No Date of Purchase Ave de Infanteria, KmInstrucciones de Operación Información de SeguridadOperación MantenimientoInformación de Seguridad del Horno de Microondas Su seguridad y la seguridad de otros es muy importanteInstrucciones Importantes DE Seguridad Guarde Estas Instrucciones Plato giratorio de cristal Anillo GiratorioExamine Su Horno Ubicación del HornoInstrucciones de Conexión a Tierra Suministro EléctricoRequerimientos de cableado Interferencia de Radio o TelevisiónSugerencias Útiles Palomitas DE MaízFreir CON Mucha Grasa Alimentos CON Pieles no PorosasBandeja DE Cristal / Utensilios DE Cocina / Papel Aluminio Toallas DE Papel / TelasBandeja Doradora / Bolsas Para Cocinar EN Horno TermómetrosGuía de Utensilios ComentariosDiagrama de Componentes del Horno Botón para abrir la puerta l Etiqueta de MenúTecla para Pausa/Cancelar Nivel de potencia Tecla de Palomitas de maíz páginaTecla de Potencia página Tecla de Minuto Automático Tecla de tiempoReloj Ejemplo Para ajustar 1125 am o pmReloj NotasSelección DE Idioma Selección DE LIBRA/KILOVelocidad DE Palabras Acción DE MenúMantener Caliente Minuto AutomáticoPara seleccionar tiempo de cocción Ejemplo Para mantener 2 tazas de salsa calientesPalomitas de Maíz Notas Para Palomitas DE MaízDescongelación Turbo Inverter Ejemplo Para descongelar 1,5 kg de carneTabla de Conversión OnzasConsejos y Técnicas de Descongelación continuación Recalentamiento por Sensor Ejemplo Para recalentar un plato de comidaRecalentamiento por Sensor Ejemplo Para cocinar Entradas CongeladasTabla de Cocción con Sensor Recetas de Microondas Omelet TortillaGuisoe Temporizador Para usar como temporizador en la cocinaPara fijar un tiempo de espera o tiempo de reposo Para programar un comienzo tardíoConsejos Rápidos Alimentos Potencia Tiempo InstruccionesAlimentos Características de Los Alimentos Técnicas para CocinarTécnicas para Cocinar continuación Cuidado y Limpieza de su Horno de Microondas Problema Antes de Acudir a ServicioPosible Causa Acción Garantíalimitadaydirectorio DE Serviciosalconsumidor Garantía Limitada del Horno Microonda PanasonicCaracterística Como Operarla Especificaciones Registro de UsuarioNúmero de modelo Número de serie Fecha de Compra