Cecilware NS18A manual

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Ai sensi dell’art.13 del Decreto Legislativo 25 Luglio 2005, n.151 “Attua- zione delle Direttive 2002/95/CE, 2002/96/CE e 2003/108/CE, relative alla riduzione dell’uso di sostanze pericolose nelle apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche, nonchè allo smaltimento dei rifiuti”.

Il simbolo del cassonetto barrato riportato sull’apparecchiatura o sulla sua confezione indica che il prodotto alla fine della propria vita utile deve es-

sere raccolto separatamente dagli altri rifiuti.

La raccolta differenziata della presente apparecchiatura giunta a fine vita è orga- nizzata e gestita dal produttore. L’utente che vorrà disfarsi della presente apparec- chiatura dovrà quindi contattare il produttore e seguire il sistema che questo ha adottato per consentire la raccolta separata dell’apparecchiatura giunta a fine vita. L’adeguata raccolta differenziata per l’avvio successivo dell’apparecchiatura di- smessa al riciclaggio, al trattamento e allo smaltimento ambientalmente compatibi- le contribuisce ad evitare possibili effetti negativi sull’ambiente e sulla salute e favorisce il reimpiego e/o riciclo dei materiali di cui è composta l’apparecchiatura. Lo smaltimento abusivo del prodotto da parte del detentore comporta l’applicazione delle sanzioni amministrative previste dalla normativa vigente.

Pursuant to the European Directives 2002/95/EC, 2002/96/EC and 2003/ 108/EC, on restricting the use of hazardous substances in electric and electronic equipment and on the disposal of waste material.

The crossed out wheelie bin symbol applied to equipment or packaging means that the product should be collected separately from other types of waste at the end of its useful life.

The separate collection of equipment that has reached the end of its life cycle is organised and managed by the manufacturer. A user that wishes to dispose of this product should therefore contact the manufacturer and follow the instructions given with respect to the separate collection of obsolete equipment.

Correct separate collection and the subsequent recycling, treatment and environ- mentally compatible disposal of discarded equipment is of aid in avoiding possible negative effects for the environment and people's health and facilitates the re-use or recycling of the materials of which the equipment is made.

Illegal disposal of this product on part of the owner will give way to the application of administrative fines as provided by current laws.

Conformément aux Directives européennes 2002/95/CE, 2002/96/CE et 2003/108/CE, relatives à la réduction de l'utilisation de substances dan- gereuses dans les appareils électriques et électroniques, ainsi qu'à l'éli- mination conforme et au recyclage des déchets.

Le symbole de la poubelle barrée indiqué sur l'appareil ou sur sa boîte in- dique qu'à la fin de sa vie utile ce produit doit être éliminé séparément des

autres déchets et conformément aux lois en vigueur en la matière.

La collecte différenciée de cet appareil à la fin de sa vie utile, est organisée et gérée par le producteur. Par conséquent, lorsque l'utilisateur souhaitera jeter cet appareil il devra contacter le producteur et respecter le système que ce dernier aura mis en place pour réaliser la collecte différenciée des appareils arrivés à la fin de leur vie utile.

La collecte différenciée correctement effectuée, suivie de l'envoi des appareils éli- minés au recyclage, avec traitement et élimination des déchets dans le plus strict respect de l'environnement, est une procédure fondamentale qui contribue à éviter les possibles effets négatifs sur notre environnement et sur notre santé, et qui fa- vorise la réutilisation et/ou le recyclage des matériaux qui composent ces apparei- ls.

L'élimination abusive de ce produit par son propriétaire comporte l'application de sanctions administratives sévères, prévues par la réglementation en vigueur.

Laut EG-Richtlinien 2002/95/EG, 2002/96/EG und 2003/108/EG zur Be- schränkung der Verwendung gefährlicher Stoffe in elektronischen Ge- räten sowie zur Abfallentsorgung.

Das Symbol des durchgestrichenen Abfallcontainers auf der Packung gibt an, dass das Produkt zum Ende seiner Lebensdauer getrennt von den an- deren Abfällen entsorgt werden muss.

Die getrennte Abfallsammlung dieses Geräts am Ende seiner Lebensdauer wird vom Hersteller organisiert und verwaltet. Der Nutzer, der das Gerät entsorgen möchte, muss sich daher mit dem Hersteller in Verbindung setzen und das System befolgen, das dieser angewendet hat, um das Altgerät der getrennten Abfallsamm- lung zuzuführen.

Eine angemessene Mülltrennung, die das Altgerät zur Wiederverwertung und umweltverträglichen Entsorgung führt, trägt dazu bei, mögliche negative Au- swirkungen auf die Umwelt und die Gesundheit zu vermeiden und fördert die Wie- derverwendung bzw. das Recycling der Materialien, aus denen das Gerät besteht. Die unerlaubte Entsorgung des Produkts durch den Benutzer zieht die Anwendung der von der geltenden Richtlinie vorgesehenen Ordnungsstrafen nach sich.

En virtud de las Directivas europeas 2002/95/CE, 2002/96/CE y 2003/ 108/ CE, relativas a la reducción del uso de sustancias peligrosas en los aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos, así como a la eliminación de residuos. El símbolo del contenedor tachado que aparece impreso sobre el aparato o sobre su embalaje indica que al finalizar la vida útil del producto éste nunca debe depositarse junto al resto de residuos.

La recogida selectiva de este equipo cuando llegue al final de su vida útil la gestio- nará y organizará el fabricante. El usuario que desee deshacerse de este equipo deberá ponerse en contacto con el fabricante y seguir el sistema que éste haya adoptado para permitir la recogida selectiva del aparato que haya llegado al final de su vida útil.

La recogida selectiva adecuada para el posterior reciclaje, tratamiento y elimina- ción del equipo inservible, compatible con el medio ambiente, contribuye a evitar posibles efectos negativos para el medio ambiente y para la salud y favorece la reutilización y/o el reciclaje de los materiales de los que está compuesto el equipo. La eliminación inadecuada del producto por parte de su propietario comportará la aplicación de las sanciones administrativas previstas por la normativa vigente.


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Contents CHOCO-1 DELICE-CHOCO-1 Page To Operate Properly and Safely Technical CharacteristicsInstallation IntroductionDescription of Controls Operating ProceduresCleaning and Sanitizing Procedures Operation Helpful HintsDo not wash any component of the machine in the dishwasher DisassemblyCleaning SanitizingMaintenance AssemblyInstalación DimensionesCaracterísticas Técnicas IntroducciónEl aparato debe ser instalado sobre un plano horizontal Instrucciones DE EmpleoDescripción DE LOS Mandos SugerenciasNo lavar ningún componente de la máquina en el lavavajillas LimpiezaDesmontaje LavadoHigienizacion RemontajeManutencion Spare Parts List Descripcion Piezas DE Repuesto Wiring Diagram / Esquema Electrico DELICE-CHOCO-1 Page Cecilware Corporation

NS18A specifications

The Cecilware NS18A offers a compelling combination of performance, efficiency, and versatility, making it a popular choice in commercial settings. As a high-quality espresso machine, it is designed to cater to the needs of cafes, restaurants, and various establishments seeking to deliver exceptional coffee beverages.

One of the standout features of the NS18A is its dual boiler system. This innovative technology allows the machine to maintain optimal brewing temperatures while simultaneously steaming milk. This not only enhances the quality of espresso shots but also ensures fast service, enabling baristas to create lattes and cappuccinos without delay. The dual boiler setup minimizes temperature fluctuations, ensuring consistency in every cup served.

Another notable characteristic is its intuitive control panel. The NS18A features programmable shot timers that allow baristas to easily adjust the brewing time for each espresso shot. This ensures the extraction process is tailored to specific coffee beans and blends, leading to a more refined flavor profile. The machine is further equipped with individual group head controls, allowing simultaneous brewing of multiple espresso shots without compromising on quality.

In terms of build quality, the Cecilware NS18A boasts a durable stainless steel construction that not only adds an attractive aesthetic to any countertop but also guarantees longevity and resistance to wear and tear. Its heavy-duty design ensures that it can withstand the rigors of a busy commercial environment while maintaining performance standards.

The NS18A also incorporates advanced temperature stability technologies. With its PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controllers, the machine provides precise temperature control throughout the brewing process. This advanced feature is crucial for achieving the ideal extraction temperature, which is essential for highlighting the unique flavors and aromas of different coffee beans.

Another significant aspect of the NS18A is its efficiency in energy usage. The machine is designed with energy-saving components that reduce overall power consumption without compromising performance. This eco-friendly approach is becoming increasingly important for businesses looking to reduce operational costs and environmental impact.

In conclusion, the Cecilware NS18A is a remarkable espresso machine that combines advanced technologies with user-friendly features. Its dual boiler system, programmable controls, durable construction, and energy efficiency make it an excellent investment for any coffee-focused establishment. With its ability to deliver exceptional espresso and consistently high-quality beverages, it stands out as a reliable choice for baristas and operators alike.