Initial Considerations
Unpack the Urn
Remove the cardboard carton from around the urn. Be careful not to scratch the stainless steel with any tools. Unwrap any plastic wrapped items. Open both liner covers and remove materials inside the liners. Remove the control enclosure to expose electric connections.
Select a sight for the urn
The Urn must be placed on a sturdy, leveled table. The table must have a tray to collect liquid from the faucets. To set up initially and adjust later, the installer must have access to the side of the urn where the controls are located. Be sure to allow for space in the sight selection.
Water and Electric
The electric ratings are printed on the nameplate of the urn and on the
A water line must be run to the connection location. The urn has a 3/8” NPT water inlet as shown on the
Softened water does not make good coffee. For best results, use cold tap water. Cold water will require a recovery time between brews. You may connect hot water if it is necessary to brew in both liners continuously. Chlorine and lime in water are the biggest problems in the operation of coffee brewers. Be sure the water is free of chlorine which will deteriorate the stainless steel. Filters may be purchased to help control lime. American Metal Ware’s warranty does not cover water problems.
Place Urn
Position the urn on the table in its operating position. Level the urn front to back and left to right. The height of the feet is adjustable for this purpose.
Complete the Hook Up
Water Hook-Up
The water connection is on the back of the urn’s control enclosure - see figure 1.
Page 7 | American Metal Ware 67710E Coffee Urn |