yy An error message “CHECK” or “Connected iPod model is not supported.” appears when:
to be operated.
yy An error message “CHECK” or “Please update your iPod’s software.” appears when:
yy If this unit displays an error message, follow the message. An error message “CHECK” or “Please check your iPod.” appears when:
/Connect & reconnect your iPod in this unit.
unknown device.
yy Your iPod is exceptionally low on power. /The battery needs to be charged.
/If you charge the battery while iPod is extremely low in power, it may take longer to charge.
yy Compatibility with your iPod may vary depending on the type of your iPod.
yy iPod touch, iPhone and iPad have any difference in operation other than iPod. You may need any additional control to use them with this unit. (e.g. “slide to unlock”)
yy If you use an application, make a call, or send and receive SMS text message, etc. on iPod touch, iPhone or iPad, disconnect it from to the USB port of this unit and then use it.
yy Depending on your iPod’s software version, it may not be possible to control your iPod from this unit. We recommend installing the latest software version.
yy This unit supports the models as follows.
-iPad nano 4G, 5G, 6G, 7G
-iPod touch 3G, 4G, 5G
-iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, 5
-iPad, iPad2, iPad3, iPad4
-iPad mini
yy If you have a problem with your iPod, please visit www.apple.com/support/ipod.