GE JKP64 MicrowaveOven, Donotpoppopcornin yourmicrowaveoven, Donotusetheovenforstoragepurposes

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oReadandfollowthespecific“Precautionsto AvoidPossibleExposuretoExcessiveMcrowave Energy”section.

To reduce therisk offirein theovencavity:




—Removewiretwist-tiesandmetalhandles frompaperorplasticcontainersbeforeplacing themintheoven.




Recycledpapertowels,napkinsandwaxpaper cancontainmetalfleckswhichmaycause arcingor ignite.Paperproductscontaining nylonor nylonfilamentsshouldbe avoided, astheymayalsoignite.

—Donotpoppopcornin yourmicrowaveoven

unlessin a specialmicrowavepopcornaccessory or unlessyouusepopcornlabeledforusein microwaveovens.

—DonotovercookpotatoesThey.could dehydrateandcatchfire,causingdamageto youroven.

—Donotoperatetheovenwhileemptytoavoid damagetotheovenandthedangerof fire.If by accidenttheovenshouldrunemptya minuteor two,noharmis done,However,tryto avoid operatingtheovenemptyat ail times—itsaves energyandprolongsthelifeof theoven.


Donotleavepaperproducts,cookingutensilsor foodin theovenwhennotin use.

—Mmaterialsinsidethe ovenshouldignite, keepovendoorclosed,turnovenoff,and disconnectthepowercord,or shutoffpower at thefuseor circuitbreakerpanel.

oSomeproductssuchaswholeeggsand sealedcontaine~for example,closedglass jars-will explodeandshouldnotbe heatedin thisoven.Suchuseof themicrowaveovencould resultin injury.

Seethedoorsurfacecleaninginstructions intheCareandCleaningsectionof thisguide.

QAvoidheatingbabyfoodinglassjars,evenwith” thelidoff,Makesureall infantfoodis thoroughly cooked.Stirfoodto distributetheheatevenly,Be carefulto preventscaldingwhenwarming formulaor breastmilk.Thecontainermayfeel coolerthanthemilkreailyis. Alwaystestthemilk beforefeedingthebaby.

Donotboileggsin a microwaveoven.Pressure willbuildup insidetheeggyolkandwillcauseit to burst,possiblyresultingin injury,


.,,.,”- suchaspotatoes,sausages,tomatoes,

-., apples,chickenliversandother

giblets,andeggyolksshouldbe piercedto allow steamto escapeduringcooking.

*Donotdefrostfrozenbeveragesin narrow-

necked bottles (especiallycarbonated beverages).

Even if thecontaineris opened,pressurecanbuild up.Thiscancausethecontainerto burst,possibly resultingin injury,

(continued next page)




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Contents C rCookingwCentera v e ~LP US ~LP YOU Beforeperforminganyservice,DISCONNECT Makesurechildrenarecloselysupervised? WhenusingthisappiianceUseonlydry potholde~moist or 4DonotusewaterongreasefiresDonotpoppopcornin yourmicrowaveoven MicrowaveOvenDonotusetheovenforstoragepurposes Foodswithunbrokenouter‘~skinUseoftheDOUBLEDUTYTMshelfaccessory UvWORTANT SAFETY~STRUCTIONSTheovenfloorcanbecometoohotto touch.Be Foods cookedin liquidssuchaspastaDDonotleavepaperproducts9cookingutensils Self-CleaningLower OvenDonotheatunopenedfoodcontainen+ Featuresof Your COOmG Center Easilyremovedforcleaning Featuresof Your ~CROWAW OWN Control Panel How to Recall a Setting Featuresof Your Lower Oven Control PanelTimer How to Set the ClockHow to Set the Timer Clock Am TmerQuestionsand Answers Power FailureINCREASEor DECREASEPad Speed How to Time a 3-MinutePhone Call HOW to USE the Hold TMRHow to Time Defrost,Hold and Time Cook Using a Holding TimeProgrammingDelayed Cooking DefrostingTips Defrostingby T~ENSTART How to Use the Time Cook II FeatureCookingTips TemperatureProbeHow to TempCook a Rolled Beef Rib Roast to Medium Positioningthe Shelf HOW to USE T~ DO~LE Duty ShelfUS~G Yourlower OWN BA~G How to Set YourOven for BakingShelf Position PreheatingBaking Pans Baking Guides Pan PlacementCookies PiesHow to Set ImmediateStart and Automatic Stop How to Time BakeTmed BA~NG Aluminum FoilTMD BA~G How to Set Delay S@rtand AutomaticStopDo IT Yourself Adjustthe OVENTHE~OSTATUse of Aluminum Foil ROAST~GFrozen Roasts ROAST~G GU~EUse of AluminumFoil 1k inchthick OPEMT~G Tm SELF-CLEA~G Oven Before a Clean CycleTo Stop a Clean Cycle How to Set Oven for CleaningOPEMT~G Tm SELF-CLEAMG Oven After Self-CleaningHow to Set Delay Start of Cleaning Questionsand Answers ControlPanel Oven Heating Elemenh Double Duty ShelPh’MicrowaveOvenMicrowaveOven Lamp Oven Shelves LowerOven Lift-Off Oven Door LowerOvenBroilerPan and Rack LowerOven Light ReplacementLowerOvenGlass Window Painted SufiacesRAoQ~STIONS? USE this Problem SolverFooddoesnot Roast or Bakeproperly in Loweroven YOU~ED Service Page Page 80&62&2224 80MEXARES80M2-273780~6262000 Warranty

164D2966P127-I, JKP65, JKP64, JKP66 specifications

The GE JKP66, JKP64, JKP65, and 164D2966P127-I are noteworthy models in the portfolio of General Electric, a company renowned for its innovation in various industrial sectors. These series of products primarily focus on providing advanced solutions that cater to both residential and commercial needs, particularly in kitchen appliances.

Starting with the GE JKP66 series, this model is heralded for its combination of elegance and functionality. It typically features a built-in wall oven design, offering flexibility in kitchen layout. It includes advanced cooking technologies like True European Convection, which promotes even baking by utilizing a third heating element and a fan that circulates hot air throughout the oven. This ensures that every dish is cooked uniformly, making it ideal for baking enthusiasts.

The JKP64 model emphasizes user-friendly interfaces coupled with digital controls, enabling precise temperature adjustments and cooking times. Additionally, it often comes with a self-cleaning option, saving users the hassle of manual scrubbing. The model is designed with high-quality materials, ensuring durability while also being aesthetically pleasing.

Similarly, the GE JKP65 model also boasts modern technology, including a smooth glass touch control panel that enhances the user experience. This model often showcases a spacious interior, allowing for larger meal preparations, which is perfect for family gatherings or entertaining guests. Furthermore, its halogen lighting provides excellent visibility, allowing users to monitor their cooking progress without having to open the door.

The 164D2966P127-I model is a versatile option that incorporates a combination of cutting-edge features. It emphasizes energy efficiency, aligning with modern demands for sustainable living. This model usually harnesses advanced heating elements to reduce cooking times while maximizing energy savings.

What sets these GE models apart is their commitment to innovation, durability, and energy efficiency, making them suitable for a variety of culinary tasks. The GE JKP series is designed with consumer needs in mind, incorporating state-of-the-art technology while ensuring ease of use. Whether you are a seasoned chef or a home cook, these models promise to elevate your cooking experience, blending seamlessly into your kitchen's aesthetics while offering top-tier performance.