Toshiba MW24F12, MW20F12 owner manual Program playback/Random playback, VCD Random playback

Page 49

Program playback/Random playback









You can arrange the playback order of tracks or files on the disc. And also




the unit selects tracks or files at random and playback them. These feature



works for Audio CD and Video CD.







/ /




















Program playback






Press PLAY MODE in the stop mode.

Press / / /

to select “Program Playback”



4 The programs you selected will start to playback in




and press ENTER.





the order.






• To resume normal playback, select Play Mode:


Press or to select Play Mode, then press




2ENTER to select “Program”.


“Off” in step 2.

T ￿￿￿￿

Play Mode




Repeat : Off























Program Playback








9/Cancel/Play Mode

3Press / / / to select the programming position. Use Number buttons (0–9) to input the Track or file numbers.

To program￿￿￿￿others,￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿repeat￿￿￿￿￿￿step￿￿￿￿￿3.

If you input a wrong number, press

CANCEL. ￿￿￿￿￿!"#￿￿￿￿!￿￿￿￿!￿￿#￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿!￿￿￿

VCD Random playback


1 Press PLAY MODE during playback or stop mode.

2 Press / to select Play￿￿￿￿Mode,￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿then￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿press￿￿￿￿

ENTER to select “Random”.

To change the program

1.In the program mode, press C/D/B /A to select the track number.

2.Press Number buttons (0–9)to select the track number to be replaced.

To clear the program one by one

In the program mode, press C/D/B/A to select the track number. Then press CANCEL.

To clear all the programs

In the program mode, press C/D/B/A to select “Clear”.Then press ENTER.


The program is canceled when you open the disc tray or turn the power off.

3Press PLAY.

The Random Playback will start.

If you set “Random” during playback mode, Random playback will begin after the track that is currently being played has ended.

To resume normal playback, select Play Mode: “Off” in step 2.


In playing back the Video CD with PBC, you cannot set

Random playback.

Advanced playback (DVD)


5W50101A [E]p48-52


2/22/06, 6:42 PM

Image 49
Contents MW20F12 MW24F12 Introduction Dear CustomerImportant Safeguards Important Safeguards Rating sheet and the safety caution Power sourceLocation of the required Marking IntroductionDo not use the unit when moisture condensation may occur PrecautionsMoisture condensation occurs during the following cases Structure of disc contents On cleaning discsOn handling discs On storing discsPlayable discs On Video CDsDVD Contents Front panel Identification of controlsSee the page in for details Illustration of MW20F12DVD Menu button Remote controlOperation Inserting batteriesConnections Antenna connectionsConnections AntennaConverter Cable TV connectionsDescrambler Converter DescramblerConnecting to a camcorder Connecting to optional equipmentConnecting to an audio system LINE1 LINE2Dolby Digital Connecting to an amplifier equipped with a DTS decoderDolby Surround Pro Logic Digital Theater Systems DTSChannel digital stereo MPEG2 soundStarting setup Starting setupBasic setup EnterAuto clock setting Clock settingAuto clock adjustment To set auto clock to OFFGMT Greenwich Mean Time To set standard timeSetup Manual clock settingTo make corrections any time during the process BasicWhile watching TV Setting the languageWhile operating a tape VCR operationTV operation TV operationTV operation Channel UP/DOWN HeadphonesChannel Return MuteClosed captions What is Closed CAPTIONING?Closed captions On TV Picture DisplayTo memorize channels Automatic memory tuningTV/CABLE selection To ADD/DELETE channelsTo register password To change password Setting the V-ChipCancel If you put a wrong number, pressOFF To set the V-ChipTV-Y TV-GTo set the on timer To set the on timerPress MENU. Press or to select Option To set the off timer To set the off timerTo cancel the OFF Timer function To confirm the ON/OFF TimerPicture control adjustment Picture control adjustment Adjusting the picture preferenceAdjusting the picture preference Mode Picture qualityListening to stereo sound Sound control adjustmentListening to SAP Second Audio Program To select desired soundLoading Loading and unloading a cassette tapeUnloading To prevent accidental erasurePlayback Cassette tape playbackRewind or forward the tape Special playback Convenient function Repeat playback Using the real time tape counterPress MENU, then press or to select option Be repeated endlesslyVideo head cleaning Zero return function Video head cleaningPress Display Video head cloggingRecording a TV program Recording a TV programTo stop recording To stop recording temporarilyOne-touch timer recording OTR One-touch Timer Recording OTRTo cancel OTR Set TV or Cable option to the appropriate PositionTimer recording Timer recordingExample Speed as in step Then press EnterTo confirm the settings To set daily/weekly timerTo cancel a program If the programs overlap anotherDuplicating a video tape Duplicating a video tapeOther functions VCR Connection with second video recorderDuplicating a DVD or CD disc Recording a DVD/CD discOther functions VCR Vcdcd Basic playback Playing a discBasic playback DVD To obtain a higher quality picture To pause playback still mode To remove the discIcons on the heading bar show the playable discs for PlayVcddvd Playing frame by frame VCD Playing in fast reverse or fast forward directionsVcddvd Playing in slow-motion VCD Locating a chapter or trackVCD Locating desired scene DVD ZoomingAdvanced playback DVD VCD Repeat playback Repeat playback/A-B Repeat playbackVCD A-B Repeat playback Program playback Program playback/Random playbackVCD Random playback Changing angles Changing angles/Title selection/DVD menuTitle selection DVD menuChanging soundtrack language Subtitles Changing soundtrack language SubtitlesLanguage is selected Case of Video CD playbackVCD Disc status Disc status/To turn off the PBCVCD To turn off the PBC VCD with PBCVCD Setting procedure Customizing the function settingsFunction setup DVD Function setup DVDSetting details English, Francais, Espanol Menu, Subtitle, AudioOther Original AudioDRC Picture ModeIf you forget the password Parental control settingTo change the parental level Temporary disabling of rating level by DVD disc Playback will commence if the entered password was correctDVD Temporary disabling of rating level by DVD disc Load a DVD disc and press Play or OPEN/ Close on the unitOthers Language code listOthers Symptoms Cause Possible Solutions Power TroubleshootingFunction is prohibited with the unit or Disc Memory playback, etc Proper progress of the contentsIgnition Reception disturbancesSupplied accessories SpecificationsMW20F12 MW24F12 General Input/OutputLimited United States Warranty Your Responsibility How to Obtain Warranty ServiceMemo 5W50101A Ep64-Back 23/06, 200 PM J5W50101A SH06/03 N