Consult With General Contractor
Ask the general1contractor if there have been changes in the building dimensions since the print you are using was issued. Also, ask the points of reference from which you should take dimensions to locate the cases.
Snap Chalk Lines
Mark floor where2cases are to be located for the entire lineup.
S n a p L i n e s O n B a s e R a i l Locations
Snap lines where3base rails are posi- tioned, not the front or back edges of the cases. See case cross section drawings, pages
Level Floor. Use Laser Transit | Set Shims On Basehorse Locations |
Leveling is necessary to assure prop- | Locate basehorse positions along |
er case alignment. Locate highest | chalk lines. Spot shim packs at each |
point on chalk line as reference for | basehorse location. |
determining height of | 5 |
levelers. A laser transit is recom- | |
mended for precision and requires | |
just one person.4 |
Position First Case In Lineup, Remove Casters, Level
Roll first case6into position. Raise case from end under cross support using “J” bar. Remove cotter pins and casters. [CAUTION! Keep hands from under case] Level case on shims.