Sub-Zero T RO D U C I N G T H E Wolf Steamer Module, Thank YOU, N Ta C T F O R M At I O N

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Your purchase of a Wolf electric steamer

IMPORTANT NOTE: Installation and service

module attests to the importance you place

must be performed by a qualified installer or

upon the quality and performance of your

service agency. Warranty service must be

cooking equipment. We understand this

performed by a Wolf authorized service

importance and have designed and built your


cooktop module with quality materials and

IMPORTANT NOTE: A ventilation hood is

workmanship to give you years of depend-

recommended (but not required) for use with

able service.

the Wolf electric steamer module.


We know you are eager to start cooking, but




before you do, please take some time to read







this Use & Care Information. Whether you are




This steamer module must be installed

a beginning cook or an expert chef, it will be

at least 15" (381) away from a Wolf fryer

to your benefit to familiarize yourself with the

module, as contact between water and

safety practices, features, operation and care

hot oil may cause burns from steam and

recommendations of the Wolf electric steamer

hot oil.





We appreciate your choice of a Wolf Appli-







ance product and welcome any suggestions




or comments you may have. To share your




opinions with us, please call 800-332-9513.




Your Wolf steamer module is protected by a




warranty that is one of the finest in the




industry. Take a moment to read the warranty




statement on page 23 and refer to it should




service become necessary.




If service is necessary, refer to the model and




serial number of the steamer module. Both




numbers are listed on the product rating plate




located on the underside of the module. Refer




to the illustration below.






Wolf Customer Service:



Location of rating

plate under module

Rating plate location


Image 3
Contents USE & Care Information N T E N T S T RO D U C I N G T H E Wolf Steamer Module Thank YOUN TA C T F O R M AT I O N F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S a N D P R E C a U T I O N S AT N OT to D O L F Steamer Module F E AT U R E S Steamer Module F E AT U R E SL F WA R R a N T Y Cooktop Island Hood 42 1067 width L F Steamer Module U S E & C a R ESteamer M O D U L E Ventilation O P T I O N S E a M E R M O D U L E a S S E M B LYC K M O D E Lock mode keyF O R E U S I N G F O R T H E F I R S T T I M E Modes O F O P E R AT I O NT T I N G C O N T RO L S Heat Setting G U I D EAutomatic Drain O P E R AT I O N Timer O P E R AT I O N Drain S T R a I N E R WAT E R L O W I N S T E a M E R B a S I NWAT E R I N S T E a M E R B a S I N P E O F WaterQuick Reference G U I D E Food Temp Time CommentsSteaming O P E R AT I O N Steaming T I P S Steaming G U I D EFood Amount Time F RO S T I N G T I P S Defrost O P E R AT I O N Slow Cooking O P E R AT I O NSabbath M O D E Proofing O P E R AT I O N Warming O P E R AT I O NSteamer Basin Domed Glass LidSteamer Module FrameFilling L F Steamer Module R E C I P E SPork Vegetable B U N S BunsSteamed Broccoli a N D D I P IngredientsO W- C O O K E D Herbed POT Roast RO M AT I C Poached Fish RO M AT I C Room FreshenerFresh herbs Citrus slices Bay leaves A S S I C Chocolate Truffles L F Steamer Module R E C I P E S E a M E D CustardNothing works Troubleshooting G U I D ETemperature display RO B L E M RO B a B L E C a U S E R R E C T I O NL F S E RV I C E I N F O R M AT I O N F O R E C a L L I N G F O R S E RV I C ERO D U C T R E G I S T R AT I O N Full TWO Year Warranty 7 5 6 0 0