8. Select a Cook Power. (Option: Skip to Step 10 If you want to cook at HIOH power.)
10. Touch START.
To select a Cook Power other than HIGH,touch COOK POWER.The CCXX POWERlndlcator Llght will come on and the Dlsplay will show
1The Display will show what you touched. This example shows you touched Number Pad 4 for 40% of
Ifull power.
When you touch START,the COOK 1 Indicator Light will stay on while the oven is cooking In the flrst cycle. The COOK POWERlndlcator Light will be on If you are uslng
a Cook Power other than high. All Other Indicator Llghts will go off.
count | The Display counts down the |
cooking time to show how much | |
dawn | time is left in the first cycle. |
For 2 of every 10seconds, the Display will show the Cook Power you selected, If you are uslng a Cook Power other than high.
You will hear 2 beeps at the end of COOK 1.You can elther open the door to check, stir or turn the food,
etc., or you can let me oven start me BEEPBEEPnext cycle. If you do open the door, touch STARTafter closing the door to
restart me oven.
The COOK 2 Indicator Llght will be on durlng me second cycle. The COOK POWERlndlcator Llght will also be on If you are uslng a Cook Power other than high.
The Display counts down the time taunt to show how much ttme Is left In the
down second cycle.
For 2 of every 10seconds, the Display will show the Cook Power you selected, if you are using a Cook Power other than high.