Addltlonal lnformaiion
l Addlflonal cycles can be set when using AUTO STARTFollow. lnsfrucflons under the proper headlng (Defrosting, Cooklng In More Than One Cycle, Cooklng wlfh the Tempemfure Probe, Uslng PAUSE,Using KEEPWARM] elfher before or after you touch START.
l You can change times, or add cycles at any tlme durlng the AUTO STARTcycle.
1.Touch fhe COOK Cycle you wish to change or add.
2.Touch Number Pads for new tlme.
3.Touch COOK POWER,If desired.
4.Touch Number Pad for new Cook Power, or touch COOK POWERagaln If HIGH Cook Power Is deslred.
5.Touch START.
l Openlng the door does not cancel Auto Start operation.
l Touch CANCEL to cancel Auto Start opemfion and erase all insfrucflons.
To avold sickness and food waste when using AUTO START:
l Do not use foods that will spoil while waltlng for oooklng to start, such as dishes wflh mllk or eggs, cream soups, and cooked meats or flsh. Any food that has to wait for cooklng to start should be very cold or frozen before tt Is put In the oven. MOST UNFROZENFOODS SHOULD NEVERSTAND MORE TNAN TWO HOURS BEFORECOOKING STARTS.
. Do not use foods oontalnlng baking powder or yeast when using AUTO START.They will not rlw properly.
l Do not allow food to remain In oven for more than two hours atier end ot cooklng cycle.
Other Operating Hints
1.To double check sefflngs while the oven Is running:
l Touch the Command Pad for the sefflng you want to check. The Instruction programmed for fhaf pad will show on the Display for 5 seconds. The Display returns to showlng what the oven Is dolng.
2.To stop the oven while lt Is runnlng:
Open the door. The oven will stop. To restart the oven, close the door and touch START. Touch CANCEL. All instructions will be erased. You must touch in new insfructlons.
3.If you touch two lnsfrucflons Into the same cycle, the second set of Instructions will cancel ihe first.
Smoke Deflector Accessory Kit
A smoke deflector klf for your model Is available from your Whlrlpool parts dealer to use when lnsfalllng fhls mlcrowave oven over cooklng products wlfh grill or grlddle. Ask your Whlrlpool dealer for defalls on 4158440