S E C T I O N 6
Downloading Primer
(Remote Downloading is not a UL Listed feature)
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General Information
Downloading allows the operator to remotely access, program, and control the security system over normal telephone lines. Anything that can be done directly from the keypad can be done remotely, using the COMPASS downloading software. To communicate with the control panel, the following is required:
2.One of the following modems:
•Hayes Smartmodem 1200 (external: level 1.2 or
higher; internal: level 1.1 or higher)
•Hayes Optima 24 + Fax 96 external
•Hayes Optima 336
•BizComp Intellimodem 1200 w/volume
•BizComp Intellimodem 2400
Other brands are not compatible, even if claimed to be 100% compatible.
3.COMPASS DOWNLOADING software available on CD ROM with a complete User’s Manual. It may also be downloaded from the Honeywell web page. The web address is www.honeywell.com/security.
Internal modems must have a
Access Security
The following four levels of protection guard the control against compromise while it is being accessed from a remote location:
1.Security code handshake: The subscriber’s account number as well as an
3.Data encryption: All data that is exchanged between the computer and control is encrypted to reduce the possibility of anyone “tapping” the line and corrupting data.
4.Operator access levels: Operators may be assigned various levels of access to the downloader, each having its own
•Each time the control panel is accessed successfully, a Callback Requested report is sent to the central station, if Opening reports are programmed.
•When the system is downloading, the keypad displays “MODEM COMM.”
•After each download or save, an automatic time stamp is done, to indicate the last download (or save) and the operator ID number.
•A complete hard copy of each individual account can be obtained by connecting a printer to the computer. Refer to your computer Owner’s Manual or contact your dealer for printer recommendations.