Cleaning and Maintenance
Inspect and clean the burner regularly. Remove grill components from the grill bottom necessary to get to the burner inside. Use a wire bristle brush to clean the burner surface. A straightened paper clip is useful to remove debris from the small burner ports.
Spiders and other insects are known to sometimes build homes inside a burner's venturi tubes. This can become a serious problem. A spider web or wasp nest inside the venturi tube can block gas flow and can cause a fire at the gas control valve. Such a fire can cause operator injury and do serious damage to your grill. The venturi tubes have fine screens to discourage spiders and insects from building a nest inside. However, some very small spiders may spin webs inside the venturi tubes.
Inspect the venturi tubes if a blockage is suspected.
First, disconnect and remove the fuel source from the grill.
Next detach and remove the burner from grill bottom.
Insert a long pipe cleaner (about 20" long) inside the venturi tubes to loosen and remove blockages. Use care so as not to damage the screens inside the tubes. A high pressured stream of water may also be used.
Pipe Cleaner
Cleaning the Venturi Tubes
If a blockage occurs inside the
WARNING: Never attempt to operate your grill without orifices in the valve. A serious and immediate fire hazard would result.
Replace the burner assembly into the grill bottom after it is clean. IMPORTANT! Make sure the valve orifices are inside venturi tubes. Secure burner to the grill bottom, and reconnect the igniter wires. Replace all other parts inside grill. Reconnect the fuel cylinder to grill. Inspect the condition and position of the
WARNING: Store an L.P.
Portable grills can be stored indoors without the cylinder. If leaving it outdoors, cover the grill for protection from weather.
IMPORTANT: If using an external electrical source, the installed appliance must be electrically grounded according to local codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 or the Canadian Electrical Code CSA C22.1.
Grounding Instructions: Use an appliance equipped with a