The OVENTEMP controlis
@ocatedon the controlpanelon the frontof the range(seepage6).
Simplyturn the knobto the desired cookingtemperatures,whichare markedin 25°F.incrementson the dial. It will normallytake60 secondsbeforethe flamecomeson.
After[heovenreachesthe se]ected temperature,theovenburnercycles— off completely,then on witha full
controlled. -
(onmodelsso equipped)
Usethe switchon the controlpanel to turn the lighton and off.
The shelvesare designedwith stop- locksso when placedcorrectlyon the shelf supports,theywill stop beforecomingcompletelyout of the ovenand will not tilt whenyou are removingfoodfromthemor placingfoodon them.
Whenplacingcookwareon a shelf, pullthe shelfout to the “stop” position.Place the cookwareon the shelf, then slidethe shelfback intothe oven.This willeliminate reachingintothe hot oven.
Toremovetheshe!vesfromthe oven,pullthemtowardyou,tilt frontend upwardandpullthemout.
TorepIace,placeshelfon shelf
The ovenhas fourshelfsupports—
A(bottom),B, C and D (top). Shelfpositionsfor cookingare suggestedon BakingandRoasting pages.
... . ..,:,:,:,:
oven Venk
Theovenis ventedthroughduct openingsat thecenterrear of the range,(seepage6), Do notblock theseopeningswhencookingin the
~Ventopeningsand nearby surfacesmaybecomehot. Do not touchthem.
o Handlesof potsand panson the cooktopmaybecomehot if left toocloseto thevent.
@Do not leaveplasticitemson -
left toocloseto thevent.
Asyourovenheatsup, the temperaturechangeofthe air in the ovenmaycausewater dropletsto formon the door glass.Topreventthis, openthe ovendoor for the first minute of