Flooringunder theRange
Yourrange, like so many other
householditems, isheavy and
can settle intosoftfloor Coverings such as cushionedvinyl. When movingthe rangeon thistypeof flooring,use care.
Do not insta~lthe rangeover kitchen carpetingunlessyou placean insulatingpad or sheetof
Men thefloor covetingends at thefront of the range, the areathat therangewillrest on shouldbe builtup withplywoodor similar materialto the samelevelor higher thanthe floorcovering.Thiswill allowthe rangeto be movedfor cleaningor servicing.
bvelkg theRange
Levelinglegsare locatedon each cornerof thebase ofthe range.
Yourrangemustbe levelin orderto
producepropercookingand baking results.Afteritisinitsfind location, placea levelhorizontallyon an ovenshelfand checkthe levelness frontto backand sideto side. Level the rangeby adjustingthe leveling legsor byplacingshimsunderthe cornersas needed.
Oneof the rear levelingIegswill