TheSpeedOptionsusea combinationof | SETTINGTHESPEEDOPTIONS SpeedOption- | 't" |
| |||||
conventionalradiantheat fromthe bake |
| t_i_) |
| |
andbroilelementswithaddedmicrowave | SpeedOptions- | _ | 1. Placethefoodintheovenandclosethe | |||||
energytoquicklycookfood.Plus,aDefrost |
| _ _ ,:z_.. | ovendoor. |
| ||
cycleisincludedtothawfooditems. |
| 2. | Pressthe Defrostpad. 0:00will be | ||
| 1. | Selecttheappropriaterackposition(see |
| displayed. |
| ||
| ||||
| page11).Placethefoodintheovenand | 3. | Entertheappropriatedefrosttime.(Re- | ||||
Thecorrectamountof cookingtimeis |
| closetheovendoor. |
| fer to the Cooking Guidefor defrost | ||||
veryimportantto overallresults.Most 2. Presstheappropriatespeedpad. 0:00 |
| timesandadditionalinformation.) |
| |||||
| |||||
itemscookinhalfthetimeofa conven- |
| willappearin thedisplay. | 4. | Whendefrostingscompletepressthe, | ||||
tionaloven. |
| CANCELpad. Removefoodfromthe | ||
.............................. | 3. | Enterthe conventionalcookingtime |
| oven. |
| ||
| recommendedintherecipe,followedby |
| ||
Theoptionsareasfollows: |
| theAUTOSETpad. |
| ||
| :_ | PressingtheAUTOSETpadwill |
| |
| automaticallycalculateonehalfof | _ | The SpeedOptionsautomatically |
| |||
| theconventionalcookingtime. |
| selectthe oven temperatureA. ll |
| ||
Thissettingusesaslightlyhigheramountof |
| _ | Ifthespeedcookingtimeis known |
| you selectis the cookingtime. |
| ||
microwaveenergyalongwithconventional |
| (halftheconventionalcookingtime), I | DONOTsetoventemperature. |
| |||
radiantheattocookfoodssuchasmeats, |
| enterthattime. DoNOTpressthe |
| |
poultry,fish,casseroles,pizza(regularand |
| AUTOSETpad.Thetimewillnot | I | DONOTpreheattheoven. |
| ||
| becutin half. |
| ............................ | ..................... | |||
packagedin aluminumfoilcontainers. | 4. Whenthecookingtimeis set,theoven CHECKINGTHEFOOD |
| ||||||
| |||||||
| willautomaticallyturnonanda fanwill |
| ||
| be heard.DoNOTsetan oventern- | Mostfoodswillcookinapproximatelyhalf | |||||
| perature. DoNOTpreheathe oven. | theconventionalcookingtimeSomefoods,. | |||||
| If anoventemperaturise selected,the | suchas vegetablesmaytakelesstime, | . | ||||
Thissettingusesa slightlyloweramountof |
| SpeedOptionwillbecanceledandthe | We recommendcheckingthe cooking | |||||
microwaveenergyalongwithconventional |
| ovenwillcookconventionally, | progress. |
| |||
radiantheatto gentlycookdelicatefoods |
suchaseggandcheesebakeddishesand 5. At75%ofthecookingtime,a beepwill ThefoodmaybecheckedanytJmeduring
bakedgoodssuchas cakes,breadsand | soundandCHECKFOODwill bedis- | baking. Whenthe dooris openedthe | ||
muffins, |
| played. Checkthefoodand continue | microwavenergyimmediatelystops.To | |
| cookingorremovefood,if done. | continuecooking,closethedoorandthe | |
"_" |
| 6. At theendof thecookingtime,a beep | set timewill continueto countdownnor- | |
l_i _ | DEFROST PAD | will soundand the controlwill scroll | really. |
Thissettingusesmicrowaveenergyonlyto | ENTERMORETIMEIF NEEDED.If Whenthecookingtimehasreached75% | |||
defrostanyfoodincludingturkeyandlarge | additionalcookingtimeisneeded,press | oftheenteredtime,thecontrolwillbeepto | ||
cutsofmeat. |
| the appropriatenumberpadsto add | indicatethatthefoodshouldbechecked. | |
| time.Upto 10minutesof timemaybe | Checkfoodandcooklonger,if needed. |
| FROZENDINNERS | added.(Timemaybeaddedmorethan |
| once,if needed.) | Attheconclusionofthecycle,thecontrol | ||
| PAD |
| willgointoaholdmodeandENTERMORE | |
| 7. Whencookingiscomplete,pressCAN- | TIMEIFNEEDEDwill scroll. Checkthe | ||
Thissettingusesa combinationof micro- | CELpad.Removefoodfromtheoven. | foodagain.Upto 10minutesoftimemay | ||
waveenergyanda smallamountofradiant |
| beaddedatthistimeifthefoodisnotdone, | . | |
heattoheatfrozenconveniencefoodspack- |
| Ingeneral,only2to5minutesofadditional | ||
agedin heatproofpaperandplasticcon- |
| timeisneeded. |
| |
tainers. |