| ||
| Thetimermaybesetforanytimeperiod |
Useto programtheovento startandstop | ToDelayStartandTurnOff | upto 99hoursand59minutes(99:59), | |
automaticallywhenbakingorroastingCook. Automatically: |
| ||
time may be set from five minutesto |
| Thetimeroperatesindependentlyofany |
11hoursand59minutes(11:59).Theclock1. PressCookTimepadCOOKTIMEwill. | otherfunctionandcanbeset whilean- | ||
mustbefunctioningandcorrectlyset for |
| flash. Pressthe appropriatenumber | otherovenfunctionis operating,THE |
thisfeaturetowork. |
| padsto entercookingtimein hoursand | TIMER DOES NOT CONTROLTHE |
| minutes. | OVEN. |
| 2. PresstheBAKEpadandselectthebake 1. PressTIMERpad, ThewordTIMER | ||
| temperature.COOKTIMEwillbe dis- | willflash.0HR:00will appearin the |
Highlyperishablefoods such as |
| playedalongwiththetemperature, | display. |
dairyproducts,pork,poultryorsea- | 3. | PressStop Time pad. Displayshows 2. Presstheappropriatenumberpadsto | |
foodarenotrecommendedforde- |
| when the ovenwillstop basedon an | enterdesiredtime. |
layedcooking, |
| immediatestart. | EXAMPLE:Tosettimerfor 5 rain- |
Clockcontrolledbakingis notrec- | 4. | PressStopTimepadagain.STOPTIME utes,presstheTIMERpad andthe | |
ommendedfor bakeditemsthat |
| must be flashingto set the desired | numberpad5. Thecontrolwillbegin |
requirea preheatedoven,suchas |
| stop time. | countdownaftera fourseconddelay. |
cakes,cookiesandbreads, | 5. | Pressthe appropriatenumberpadsto | .. "hE |
| |||
| enterthetimeyouwanttheoventostop, | .uJ |
ToStartImmediatelyndTurnOff | 6, DELAYandBAKEwillbedisplayed. |
| |
Automatically: | 7. At theendof the delayperiod,COOK |
| |
| ||
1. PressCookTime pad. COOKTIME |
| TIMEandBAKEwillbedisplayedalong | 3. Thelastminuteofthecountdownwill |
willflash.Presstheappropriatenumber |
| withthetemperature, | bedisplayedin seconds. |
padstoentercookingtimeinhoursand | 8. | 4, Attheendofthesettime,fourbeeps | |
minutes, |
| willsoundfollowedbytwobeepsevery |
2. Pressthe BAKE pad and selectthe |
| 30 secondsfor upto five minutes. |
baketemperatureC. OOKTIMEwillbe | O'v N | PressCANCELpad to cancelthe | |
L_C_ OVEN LIGHT PAD | timerand ovenfunction.To cancel | ||
displayedalongwiththetemperature, |
| onlythetimerpresstheTIMERpad. |
3. Oneminutebeforetheendofthepro- Theovenlightsautomaticallycomeonwhen |
| ||
grammedcooktime,thelightwillturn thedoorisopenedWhenthedoorisclosed,. NOTE;If youwishto changethetimer | |||
on,abeepwillsoundandCHECKFOODpresstheOVENLIGHTpadonthecontrol | reminderbeepsat the endof a set | ||
willbedisplayedLightwillturnoffauto.- | panelto turnthelightsonoroff. Theoven | time,seeTimerBeeps,page10. |
maticallywhenCANOELpadispressedlightswillnotoperateduringa cleancycle, orafterovendoorisopenedandolosed.Theovenlightswillcomeonautomatically
4.At theendof cooktime,theovenwill oneminutebeforetheendof a clockcon- To Cancela SetTime: shutoffautomatica/ly,"End"andCOOK trolledcookingoperation.
TIMEwillbedisplayedandthreebeeps | PressandholdtheTIMERpadforseveral |
willsound, | seconds.Aftera slightdelaythetimeof |
5. PressCANCELpad, Removefood | daywillappear, |
| |
fromoven. if theprogramis notcan- | OR |
celed,therewill be2 reminderbeeps | PresstheTIMERpadandthe"0"number |
everyminuteforupto30minutes, | pad.Aftera slightdelaythetimerwillbe |
| canceled. |
NOTE:ifyouwishtochangethereminder |
beepsat theendof COOKTIME,see |
CookTimeBeeps,page10, |