Useto turnonthesurfaceelements.An
infinitechoiceof heatsettingsisavailable fromLOWto HIGH.Theknobscanbeset
1. Placepanonsurfaceelement.
2.Pushin andturntheknobin either directionto thedesiredheatsetting,
_ indicatesrightfront
3.Thereisanindicatorlightbyeachpair ofcontrolknobs.Whenoneor bothof
thesurfacecontrolknobsisturnedon, thelightwillturnonThelight.willturnoff whenthesurfaceelement(s)is turned off.
4. Aftercooking,turnknobto OFF.Re- movepan.
BeforeCooking | AfterCooking | |
>- | Alwaysplacea panon thesurface >- Cleanup messyspillsas soonas | |
| unitbeforeyouturniton.Toprevent | possible. |
| damagetorange,neveroperatesur- |
| faceunitwithouta panin place. | OtherTips |
>_ | NEVERusethecooktopasastorage | _ Ifcabinetstorageisprovideddirectly |
| areaforfoodorcookware, | abovecookingsurface,limitittoitems |
| that areinfrequentlyusedandthat |
DuringCooking | canbesubjectedto heat, | |
>- | Knowwhichknobcontrolswhichsur- Temperaturesmay be unsafefor | |
| faceunit.Makesureyouturnedon | itemssuchasvolatileliquids,clean- |
| thecorrectsurfaceunit. | ersoraerosolsprays. |
>Begincookingona higherheatset- > NEVERleaveanyitems,especially
| tingthenreducetoa lowersettingto | plasticitems,on thecooktop.The |
| settingfor extendedcooking, | mableitems,meltorsoftenplastics, |
| completecookingNeverusea. high | hotairfromtheventmayigniteflam- |
>'- | NEVERallowa panto boildry.This | orincreasepressurein dosedcon- |
| coulddamagethepanandtheappli- | tainerscausingthemto burst. |
| ance. | > NEVERallowaluminumfoil, meat |
_ | NEVERtouchcooktopuntilif has | probesor any othermetalobject, |
| cooled.Expectsome partsof the | otherthana pan ona surfaceele- |
| cooktop,especiallyaroundthe sur- | ment,to contactheatingelements. |
| faceunits,to becomewarmor hot |
| duringcooking.Use potholdersto |
| protecthands. |
The cookingsurfaceis equippedwith a | SUGGESTED HEAT SETTINGS |
| OFF | |
| |
dualelementlocatedintherightfrontposi- | Thesize,typeof cookwareand cooking | Lo\_. | _11_1_ | |
knobandturntothelefttocontrolthelarge | informationoncookwareandotherfactors | 2 | ._ | |
element,orpushinandturnto therightto | affectingheatsettings,referto "Cooking | 3 |
| |
controlthesmallelement. | MadeSimple"booklet. |
| |
tion. To operate,push in on the control | HIGH: | i_ | /!)ki | |
operationwillaffecttheheatsetting.For | ||||
© | OFFO | Usetobringliquidtoa boil.Alwaysreduce | 5 | ,\_EDIL.'k'l |
settingtoalowerheatwhenliquidsbeginto |
| ||
to_ | to_ | boilorfoodsbegintocook. |
, |
| |
4 | _ | Useto brownmeat,heatoil for deepfat | Usetocontinuecookingcoveredfoodsor | |
6 | 6 | fryingor sauteing.Maintainfast boil for | tosteamfoods. | |
2_2 |
| largeamountsof liquids. | LOW: |
_ | _c_ | MEDIUM: | Useto keepfoodswarmandmeltchoco- | |
| Useto maintainslowboilforlargeamounts | lateandbutter. | |
| of liquidsandfor mostfryingoperations. |