Installing on Linux
Use the following procedure to install the StorNext FS client software in a Linux operating system.
Step 1 Log on as root.
This allows you to perform the installation without having permission problems.
Step 2 Install the client software.
tar xvf <filename>
Step 3 Enable the chkconfig levels to start automatically on reboot.
chkconfig --level 3456 cvfs on
Step 4 Make sure the /<usr>/cvfs/config/fsnameservers file contains the name of your server machine.
Step 5 Create the mount points for the file systems.
chmod 777 <mount point>
Step 6 Add the following line to the /etc/fstab file to enable automount after reboot.
<file system name> <mount point> cvfs verbose=yes 0 0
The file system name is the name that you created when you configured the StorNext FS software using the ICW’s Add File System wizard. (Refer to the Adding File Systems section of this document for more information.)
NOTE | To mount a file system manually, type the following at the command prompt. |
| mount |
Installing StorNext FS on UNIX |