Labeling Drives
You must label each drive to be used by StorNext FS. A new drive needs to be labeled only once. This can be done from any Stornext FS client with a Fibre Channel connection to the drive.
Use the following procedure to label each drive to be used by StorNext FS.
The process of disk drive labeling
system or lose
Step 1 On any StorNext FS client, click Start and select Programs > StorNext File System > Disk Device Labeler.
Step 2 Inside the Disk Device Labeler window, use the mouse to highlight unused drives or drives that do not have a recognized Volume Type.
Make sure you identify any drives that already contain a recognized CAUTION Volume Type. If you select an incorrect drive, you may invalidate
your operating system or lose
Step 3 With the drives highlighted, click Label, and then click OK to confirm the operation. Step 4 For each drive, use the New SNFS Label text box to enter a Label Name.
You can create any convention for the label names. For example, you could type CvfsDisk[n] for each label name, replacing [n] with a decimal number starting at 0 and incrementing for each drive, and the label names would be as follows: CvfsDisk0, CvfsDisk1, CvfsDisk2, etc.
Step 5 In the New Sectors text box, use either the default value of the Total Number of Physical Sectors, or enter a new size tailored for your application.
Step 6 For the remaining StorNext FS drives, repeat Step 4 and Step 5. Step 7 When done, click Label.
Step 8 Click Exit.
Installing StorNext FS on Windows |