Kenmore 9743680, 9743679, 9743678, 9744231 dimensions Drain hose

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Drain hose

Cut a 1-1/2" (3.8cm) diameter hole in cabinet wall or floor on the side of the

opening closest to the sink.

Connect drain hose to waste tee or waste disposer following one method.

If youhave:



a wastedisposer

an air gap


no air gap*




anair gap


noair gap*



*an air gapis recommended

1.Remove the disposer knockout plug. Cut end of drain hose O if needed

(do not cut ribbed section).

2.Attach drain hose to air gap • with spring-type clamp O.

3.Use a rubber hose connector* • with spring or screw-type clamps* _) to connect air gap to disposer inlet O.

This connection O MUST be before

drain trap _) and at least 20" (50.8cm) above the floor where dishwasher will

be installed. Go to step 12.

1.Cut end of drain hose O if needed (do not cut ribbed section).

2.Attach drain hose to air gap O with 1-!/2"-2" (3.8-5cm) screw clamp.

3.Use a rubber hose connector* •

with spring or screw-type clamps*

_) to connect air gap to waste tee _). This connection _ MUST be before drain trap (D and at least 20" (50.8cm) above the floor where dishwasher will be installed. Go to step 12.


Image 12 Kenmore 9743680, 9743679, 9743678, 9744231 dimensions Drain hose
Contents Undercounter Dishwasher Doing so willPage Parts supplied Cabinet opening Helpful TIP We recommend Time-delay fuse or circuit breaker ElectricalWater Drain4K2461cm Disconnect the power supply. Turn water off ElectricalFrompage8 Metal cabinet Cover hole withWater line Drain hose 11c 11d Put dtshwasher corner posts 0 behind If you are installing a power supply Frompage14 Remove cardboard from under dishwasher Electrical Connection Tightenclampconnectororconduit connectorscrews Water Connection Compressiom. sDrain Connection Water supply and checkfor leaksDII If dishwasher does not operate If you have installation questions To customizeyourdishwasher