Ward's GIL-39012B manual Adjustments

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CLEAN COOLING SYSTEII - Grass, chaff or dirt may

@dthe air cooling system, especiallyafter prolongedservicecutting dry grass.Yearly or every 100 hours, whichever occurs first, remove the blower housing and clean the areasshown-toavoid over- speeding, overheating and engine damage. Clean more often if necessary.




DANGER: Periodicallyclean muffler area to remove all grass,dirt and combustibledebris .

SPARK PLUG - Clean and reset gap at .030" every 100 hours of operation.

. 030" ( . 76mm)


CAUTION: Do not blast clean spark plug . Spark plug should be cleaned by scraping or wire brushing and washing with a commercialsolvent.

Sparkingcan occur if wire terminaldoes not fit . firmlyon spa+t<ptusi or if stop switetr+ib+ates agai+st spark plug. Reformterminal or repairswitch if necessary.

REMOVECOMBUSTIONDEPOSITSevery 100-300hours of operation .Removecylinder head and cylinder head shield . Scrape and wire brush the combustiondeposits from cylinder,cylinder head, top of piston and around valves.Use a soft brush to removedeposits.Re-assemble gasket, cylinder head and cylinder head shield . Turn screws down finger tight with the three longer screws around the exhaustvalve,if so equipped .Torquecylinder head screws in a staggeredsequenceto 140inch pounds (15 . 82Nm) .

SPARK ARRESTEREOUIPPEDMUFFLER- lf engine en assemblY, remove every 50 hours for cleaning and inspection.

Replaceif damaged .


Place governor speed control lever in "FAST" position. Turn needlevalvein until engine misses(clockwise- lean mixture)then turn it out past smooth operatingpoint until engineruns unevenly(richmixture) .Nowturn needlevalve to the midpointbetweenrich and lean so the engineruns

smoothly. Next, adiust idle RPM. Rotatethrottle counter- clockwise and hold against stop . Adjust idle speed adjustingscrew to obtain 1750RPM . Releasethrottle - engineshouldacceleratewithouthesitationor sputtering . lf engine does not accelerate properly, the carburetor should be re - adjusted,usuallyto a slightlyrichermixture .


Proper choke and speed control operation is dependent upon properadjustmentof remotecontrolson the powered

equipment .


Removeair cleaner.Moveremotecontrol leverto"CHOKE" or "START" position . Choke should be fully closed as shown . Replaceair cleaner .


To Adjust:

Placeremotecontrolleveron equipmentin FASTposition . Chokeoperatinglink"A"shouldbejusttouchingbellcrank

leverat "8 . " See illustration .



Minor carburetor adjustment may be required to com- pensatelor differencesin fuel, temperature,altitude or load .

TO ADJUST CARBURETOR- Turn needlevalveclock - wise until it just closes .

CAUTION:Valvemay be damagedby turning it in too far'

Now open needlevalve 172turns counterclockwiseThis. initialadjustmentwill permitthe engineto be startedand warmed up prior to final adjustment .


The acceptableoperatingspeedrangeis 1800to3600RPM . ldle speed is 1750RPM .The manufacturerof the equip -

Image 22
Contents Rotary Tiller Gontents DontForget On Tineshield On EngineOn Handlebar Handle BAROpebating Suggestions ShaulowestsettingStarting the Tiller Wheeldrivebelt 3t4Tinedrivebelt Tinedrivepulley FIG5Toadjust HandlecontrolleveradjustmentClutchcontrolleveradjustment Clutchlevercontrol NeutralareaOillevet FrGt0Wheeldrivecase OIL LEVEL& Fillplug4ffi Fte.12Gutde FreTinedrivecasepulley CotterpinStobage HANDLE& Control PartsDescription Handle & ControlspartslistQTY CANSOFTOUCH-UPSPRAY PaintareavailablebyFrameand Drive Partslist OtyGhaincasepabts LET GhaingasepartslistPart S C R I P T I O N SERVICE& Repairinformation Milwaukee,WisconsinRecommendedsae Viscositygrades Extendedoil Fill Charge BatteryBeforestarting To Fill Crankcasewith OILTo Stopengine StartingTo Start Engine OIL Foam AIR Cleaner Dual Elementair Cleaner To Serviceair Cleaner OIL Foamair CleanerDo not OIL Cartridge .DO not Usepressurized AIR Adjustments MoDELSERES Horsepower $ @nax IoooneM TorqueFt Lbs 155max99ryro t312ee