Ward's GIL-39012B manual FrGt0, Wheeldrivecase, Oillevet, OIL LEVEL& Fillplug

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Thebesf ossuronceyou hove of geiling the moslde_ pendoble servicefrom your tiller is to keep the unit cleon, free of rust,ond well lubricoted.Check bolts oftenlo be surethey ore kept tight.Whenthe tiller is not being used,it shouldbe storedin o dry ploce out of lhe weother.


1.Engine:Referlo engine operoting instructionsond requirementsfor oll engine lubricotion.

2.GhainGases:Both the wheel drive ond the tine drive coses ore omply filled wifh lubricont ond shouldnot requireodditionol lubricotion.lf o leok d.evelops,odd teod bose (Ep)SAE140heovy duty 9it (fo!. 4890)os required'tobring to profer oit level. Check oit tevet every 25 houis.

Thefollowingprocedureshouldbe followedto check lubricont level of coses.When checking coses,do not droin excesslubricontout of the cos6s.


Tocheck the oil level of the wheel drive cose,ptoce the depth control lever down fo lhe shollowesfsel- ling.(Figure3). Removethe inspectionplug on lhe right side of the wheet drive cose (Figuretb;. Cose hos sutficientoil if oil is up to bottorn of insfecfion plug hole. lt moy be more convenienl lo rernovelhe righl wheel when checking lhis level.


Tocheck the lubricotion level of lhe tinedrive cose:

1.Setdepth confrolot the deepest setting(Figure3).

2.Ploce liller on o level surfoceso lhot lhe tinesond the wheelsore seilingon lhe ground,Fig.11B.

3.Wipe dirl owoy fromoil level plug ond removeplug, -Fig.11AOil. should

be up to the Obttomof hote.

4.lt oil isn'tup fo bottomof hote,wipe dirtowoy fromoil fill plug ond remove, Fig.118.Fiilstowtywitn teoO bose (EP)SAE140heovy duty oil untitproper tevetis 19gche-!.Reptoce oit levet ptug ond dit tiil prr.rg. Wipe off excessoii.




FIG . 11A


Image 8
Contents Rotary Tiller Gontents DontForget On Engine On HandlebarOn Tineshield Handle BARStarting the Tiller ShaulowestsettingOpebating Suggestions 3t4 TinedrivebeltWheeldrivebelt Tinedrivepulley FIG5Handlecontrolleveradjustment ClutchcontrolleveradjustmentToadjust Clutchlevercontrol NeutralareaFrGt0 WheeldrivecaseOillevet OIL LEVEL& Fillplug4ffi Fte.12Fre TinedrivecasepulleyGutde CotterpinStobage HANDLE& Control PartsQTY Handle & ControlspartslistDescription CANSOFTOUCH-UPSPRAY PaintareavailablebyFrameand Drive Partslist OtyGhaincasepabts Part S C R I P T I O N GhaingasepartslistLET SERVICE& Repairinformation Milwaukee,WisconsinExtendedoil Fill Charge Battery BeforestartingRecommendedsae Viscositygrades To Fill Crankcasewith OILTo Start Engine StartingTo Stopengine Do not OIL Cartridge .DO not Usepressurized AIR To Serviceair Cleaner OIL Foamair CleanerOIL Foam AIR Cleaner Dual Elementair Cleaner Adjustments 99ryro t312ee Horsepower $ @nax IoooneM TorqueFt Lbs 155maxMoDELSERES