Ward's GIL-39012B manual Handlecontrolleveradjustment, Clutchcontrolleveradjustment, Toadjust

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The hondle control odjustmenl(Figure7) hos been set for proper operotion ond shouldnot need to be odiusfed.Shouldthe hondle control lever (Figure7)

become looseoftermony hoursof operolion,tighlen ADJUSTMENTNUT the odjustmenlnul only enoughlo eliminoteony ex-

cessmovementin the hondle confrollever.

CAUTION:Do nol overtighlen odjuslmenf nut. This moy resultin foilureof hondle bor lotch systemlo fullyengoge ond hold hondle in desiredposition.


The clutch control lever is pre-set for neutrol shitt position.An odjustmenfmeons is provided, how- ever, lo center the clulch control lever in lhe slot on the hondle shroudshould it become necessorydue to weor. Thisodiustmenl is locoted ot fhe hondle pivol point (Figure8)


1. Ploce hondle bor in litling locotion ond odjusl hondle bor to lowesfposifion.

2.Loosenthe odiustmentnut (Figure8).

3.Move lhe clutch control lever on the hondle bor unfilcenferedin lhe neutroloreo (Figure9).

4.Retightenfhe odjustmenlnut (Figure8).



Image 7
Contents Rotary Tiller Gontents DontForget Handle BAR On EngineOn Handlebar On TineshieldOpebating Suggestions ShaulowestsettingStarting the Tiller Tinedrivepulley FIG5 3t4Tinedrivebelt WheeldrivebeltClutchlevercontrol Neutralarea HandlecontrolleveradjustmentClutchcontrolleveradjustment ToadjustOIL LEVEL& Fillplug FrGt0Wheeldrivecase OillevetFte.12 4ffiCotterpin FreTinedrivecasepulley GutdeStobage Parts HANDLE& ControlDescription Handle & ControlspartslistQTY Paintareavailableby CANSOFTOUCH-UPSPRAYOty Frameand Drive PartslistGhaincasepabts LET GhaingasepartslistPart S C R I P T I O N Milwaukee,Wisconsin SERVICE& RepairinformationTo Fill Crankcasewith OIL Extendedoil Fill Charge BatteryBeforestarting Recommendedsae ViscositygradesTo Stopengine StartingTo Start Engine OIL Foam AIR Cleaner Dual Elementair Cleaner To Serviceair Cleaner OIL Foamair CleanerDo not OIL Cartridge .DO not Usepressurized AIR Adjustments MoDELSERES Horsepower $ @nax IoooneM TorqueFt Lbs 155max99ryro t312ee