ThisOwneis Guide hos been especiolly prepored lo provide the informotionneeded to op'eioteyour tii
ler with greoler sotisfoctionReod. this'Owne/iGuide ond the engine inslrucfionscorefully. Be sure you know whot the controls ore for ond how they o[er- gte: Ilte core your tiiler requiresis smoil,but'imior_ tont. Keep it cteon ond weit tubricofed. Witn prcjber core ond operotion,os exploined in this monuof, you will obtoin long ond efficientservice.
This.tiller,is .shippedcompletely ossembled.Afler reootng this monuol ond servicingtiller the tiller is reody to operote.
Informolionregording operolion ond mointenonce of the.engine is nol included in this monuol.A sep_ orole instructionmonuol is included with your liller ond should be consultedfor oll informoiioncon_ cerningengine odjustmenlsond operolion.
thot SAFETY stortswith you!
OInspectwork oreo ond cleor ony objectsthot ore not eorthor mulch.
olmproper use of the rotory tiller con resullin in_ jury. Give complete ond undivided ottentionfo the work you ore doing.
O Knowlhe conlrolsond how they operote.
oK.noyhow to stop the rotorytiller ond engine in_ stontly.
oDisengogepower ond stop engine before cleon_ ing, removing obstocles,or mlking odjuslment.
aKeepchildrenond petso sofedislonceowoy from rotorytiller.
oDo.not ollow onyone to operote rotorytiller with_ out proper instructionond supervision.
O Exercisecoutionto ovoid folling.
o sio.rtthe gngine ond tinesuntilyou ore reocty
lo slorttilling.Stopthe enginewheneveryou leov6 the mochine.
ODisengoge clutch before slorting engine. Keep honds,feet ond clothing owoy from power_driven porfs. Weor odequoie footweor to prevent foof InJury.
OKeep rotorytillerin good operotingconditionond keep sofety devices in ploce.
Do not till neor undergroundelectriccobles or ir_ rigotion hoses.
Storegosoline in o sofe contoiner.Storethe con_ toiner in o cool, dry ploce. Not in the houseor near heatingappliances.
Open doors if engine is run in goroge. Exhoust gosesore dongerous.
Yo.urrotory tiller wos built to the highest slondords in the industry.Howeve_ar, rotary tilleir is onlyas safe as the operaror.As with ony
Fill gos tonk outdoors.Avoid spillinq oosoline. Don'tfill lonk white engine is runningdr inite you ore smoking.
The replocementof ony porf on fhis product by ofherthon the monufocture/southorizddreploce_ ment p.orlmoy odversely offect the performonce, durobility or sofetyof this producl.