Kompernass FSM R1 manual Operation / Maintenance and Cleaning, Transporting / storing the mower

Page 11

Operation / Maintenance and Cleaning

jTake the appliance back into use exclusively when it is undamaged.

QTransporting / storing the mower


JSwitch the appliance off! Wait until the curved blade bar 21 comes to a complete stop.

JSeparate the appliance from the power source!


jPush the appliance by the steering shaft handle

1or carry it by the carrying handle on the housing 14 .


jStore the appliance in a dry area, protected from non-permitted use.

jTo save space, fold the upper shaft handle 2 down. For this, loosen the two connecting screws 8 (see Fig. E).

jTake steps to ensure the power cable 6 is not trapped or squeezed.

jDo not place any objects on the appliance.

QMaintenance and Cleaning


jBefore every use, always check by visual control:

-the power cable 6 and the extension cable for damages, especially to the protective isolation covering (e.g. tears, breaks).

-the curved blade bar 21 and the securing bolt 22 for wear and tear.

-for faultless assembly.

jUse the appliance only when it is complete, correctly assembled and without visible damage.

Changing the curved blade bar 21 .

jRemove the grass box 10 and lay the appli- ance on its side.

jTo counter the rotary movement caused by

unscrewing, place a restrainer (screwdriver or similar) into the insert opening.

jUnscrew the securing bolt 22 from the drive shaft with an SW 13 mm spanner.

jRemove the curved blade bar 21 .

jFirmly affix the new curved blade bar21 with the securing bolt 22 and the washer back on to the drive shaft.

The marking for the direction of rotation on the curved blade bar must be visible (see Fig. F).

jRemove the restrainer and bring the appliance back into an upright position.


Appliance upper surfaces

jDirectly after mowing, thoroughly remove all grass remnants and grime.

jPay particular attention to cleaning the venti- lation slits in the housing 14 .

jUse a cloth and a hand brush.

Appliance lower surfaces

jRemove the grass box 10 and lay the appli- ance on its side.

jPay particular attention to cleaning the curved blade bar 21 and its surroundings.

jUse a hand brush as well as a wood or plastic rod.

jUnder no circumstances should you use water, solvents or detergents!


Image 11
Contents Electric Lawn Mower Page Table of Content Intended purpose Steering shaft handle Upper shaft handle Safety buttonIntroduction Electric Lawn Mower FSM R1 IntroductionItems supplied Introduction / General safety adviceTechnical Data General safety adviceElectrical safety General safety adviceYour working area Personal safety By the safety regulations Appliance specific safety noticesSeparate the power cable from Maintenance Keep the power cable away fromAnimals away from the appliance Important! Avoid dangers to life and limbBar Never place yourself before the clippings ejection shaftGrass box fitting / removing General safety advice /Commissioning Assembly Commissioning /Operation  Adjusting the cutting heightConnection to the power supply Switching the appliance on / offTransporting / storing the mower Operation / Maintenance and CleaningMaintenance CleaningCurved blade bar 21 o is damaged Troubleshooting / Disposal / InformationTroubleshooting Disposal ServiceConformity Declaration / Manufacturer InformationPage Sisällysluettelo Varustelu FSM R1 JohdantoFlorabest sähköruohonleikkuri FSM R1 Johdanto Määräystenmukainen käyttöTekniset tiedot Työpaikka Johdanto / Yleiset turvallisuusohjeetToimituslaajuus Tarkkaavainen käsittely ja käyttö sähkölaitteilla Yleiset turvallisuusohjeetSähköturvallisuus Henkilöiden turvallisuusLaitetta koskevat turvalli- suusohjeet Älä missään tapauksessa leikkaa Sirppipalkkiterä 21 pyörii vielä sam- muttamisen jälkeenEnnen asennusta tai kuljetusta Vältä kaatumistaLeikkuukorkeuden säätäminen Yleiset turvallisuusohjeet / KäyttöönottoAsennus Keruukorin ripustaminen / irrottaminenLaitteen ohjaus Käyttöönotto / KäyttöVerkkovirran liittäminen Laitteen kytkeminen päälle / sammuttaminenPuhdistus Huolto ja puhdistus / Virheiden korjaaminenHuolto ja puhdistus Virheiden korjaaminen HuoltoÄlä heitä sähkötyökaluja talousjätteisiin Hävittäminen / TietojaHävittäminen Vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuu- tus / ValmistajaInnehållsförteckning Utrustning på FSM R1 InledningFlorabest elgräsklippare FSM R1 Inledning Föreskriven användningTekniska specifikationer Inledning / Allmänna säkerhetsanvisningarLeveransens omfattning Elsäkerhet Allmänna säkerhetsanvisningarArbetsplats Personsäkerhet Ser-var den dra ut kontakten Omsorgsfull hantering och användning av elverktygSäkerhetsanvisningar speciellt avsedda för detta verktyg Bryt strömtillförseln till gräsklipparenAnvänd långbyxor du får absolut inte köra OBS! Minska risken för livsfarli- ga och andra skadorGräs-klipparen Dra absolut inte gräsklipparen mot dig när den är påkoppladStälla in klipphöjd Allmänna säkerhetsanvisningar / Börja använda gräsklipparenMontering Hänga på / Lyfta av uppsamlingskorgenKöra gräsklipparen Börja använda gräsklipparen / AnvändningAnsluta nätström Sätta på / Stänga av gräsklipparenÅtgärda fel Service och rengöring / Åtgärda felServa gräsklipparen RengöringHans Kompernaß VD Åtgärda fel / Kassering / InformationKassering Förklaring om överensstä melse / TillverkarförsäkranIndholdsfortegnelse Bestemmelsesmæssig anvendelse IndledningFlorabest el-plæneklipper FSM R1 Indledning Tekniske data Indledning / Generelt om sikkerhedenUdstyr FSM R1 Medfølger ved leveringLedningen må ikke benyttes til at bære maskinen i, hæn Generelt om sikkerhedenArbejdsplads Personlig sikkerhed Elektrisk sikkerhedHold el-ledningen på afstand af kni Omhu i omgangen med og anvendelsen af elektriske redskaberSikkerhedsinstrukser for dette apparat Afbryd el-ledningen fra netstrømmenUndgå at falde OBS! Undgå livsfare og fare for personskadeOg dyr på afstand af enheden Kvæstet af fremmedlegemer, der slyn- ges afstedIndstilling af klippehøjde Generelt om sikkerheden /Ibrugtagning Samling Montering / afmontering af græsopsamlerStyring af enheden Ibrugtagning / BetjeningTilslutning af netstrøm Sådan tænder / slukker du enhedenRengøring Vedligeholdelse og rengøring / Afhjælpning af fejlVedligeholdelse og rengøring Afhjælpning af fejl VedligeholdelseSmid ikke el-værktøj ud sam- men med husholdningsaffald Bortskaffelse / OplysningerBortskaffelse Overensstemmelseserklæring/ producentInnholdsfortegnelse Utrustning FSM R1 InnledningElektrisk gressklipper FSM R1 Innledning Hensiktsmessig brukArbeidsplass Innledning / Generelt om sikkerhetLeveringsomfang Bruk personlig verneutstyr og alltid vernebriller. Bruk av Generelt om sikkerhetElektrisk sikkerhet PersonsikkerhetSikkerhetsmerknader for det aktuelle utstyret Omhyggelig håndtering og bruk av elektrisk verktøyLer gjennom luften Obs ! Unngå livsfare og fare for personskaderLivsfarlige situasjoner og kveles Unna apparatetFare Generelt om sikkerhet / IgangkjøringHenge på ta av fangekurven Innstille kuttehøydenAktivere / deaktivere apparatet Igangkjøring / BetjeningTilkoble til nettet Styre apparatetRengjøring Betjening / Vedlikehold og rengjøring / FeilbehandlingVedlikehold og rengjøring Feilbehandling VedlikeholdKast elektriske redskap ikke i husholdningssøppelen Feilbehandling / Fjerning / InformasjonerFjerning Overensstemmelseserklæring / ProdusentΠίνακας περιεχομένων Σωστή μεταχείριση των ηλεκτρικών εργαλείων ΕισαγωγήΗλεκτρική μηχανή κουρέματος γκαζόν FSM R1 Εισαγωγή Χρήση σύμφωνη με τους κανονισμούςΓενικές υποδείξεις ασφάλειας Εισαγωγή / Γενικές υποδείξεις ασφάλειαςΕξοπλισμός FSM R1 Τεχνικές πληροφορίες Σύνολο αποστολήςΑσφάλεια ατόμων Γενικές υποδείξεις ασφάλειαςΘέση εργασίας Ηλεκτρική ασφάλειαΥπόδειξη ασφαλείας ειδική για τη συσκευή Ασφαλής λειτουργία και χρήση ηλεκτρονικών συσκευώνΠροσοχή! Αποφεύγετε κίνδυνο ζωής και τραυματισμού Αποσυνδέετε το καλώδιο δικτύουΣφάλματος, συντήρησης και καθαρισμού Από τη λεπίδα ράβδου σχήματος δράπανουΚοπής και τα μέσα στερέωσής τους δεν είναι Έτσι συμπεριφέρεστε σωστάΝολο αποστολής για το εάν υπάρχουν ζημιές Συσκευή μόνο όταν λειτουργεί άψογα και εάνΡύθμιση ύψους κοπής Γενικές υποδείξεις ασφάλειας / Θέση σε λειτουργίαΜοντάρισμα Αναρτήστε / απομακρύνετε το καλάθι συγκέντρωσηςΟδήγηση της συσκευής Θέση σε λειτουργία / ΧειρισμόςΣύνδεση ρεύματος δικτύου Ενεργοποίηση / απενεργοποίη- ση συσκευήςΔιόρθωση σφαλμάτων Χειρισμός / Συντήρηση και καθαρισμός / Διόρθωση σφαλμάτωνΣυντήρηση ΚαθαρισμόςΜην πετάτε ηλεκτρικά εργαλεία στα οικιακά απορρίμματα Διόρθωση σφαλμάτων / Απόρριψη / Πληροφορίες Απόρριψη ΣέρβιςHans Kompernaß Διευθυντής ΠληροφορίεςΔήλωση συμμόρφωσης / Κατασκευαστής Inhaltsverzeichnis Ausstattung EinleitungElektrorasenmäher FSM R1 Einleitung Bestimmungsgemäßer GebrauchAllgemeine Sicherheitshinweise Einleitung / Allgemeine SicherheitshinweiseLieferumfang Technische DatenHalten Sie die Geräte von Regen Allgemeine SicherheitshinweiseArbeitsplatz Sicherheit von Personen Elektrische SicherheitWartung und Reinigung vom Netzstrom Sorgfältiger Umgang und Gebrauch von ElektrowerkzeugenGerätespezifische Sicherheitshinweise Halten Sie das Netzkabel von demVerwenden Sie Schutzausrüstung Achtung! Vermeiden Sie Lebens- und VerletzungsgefahrVorsicht! Scharfes Schneide EinFangkorb einhängen / entnehmen Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise / InbetriebnahmeMontage Gerät ein- / ausschalten Inbetriebnahme / BedienungSchnitthöhe einstellen Netzstrom anschließenReinigung Bedienung / Wartung und ReinigungGerät transportieren / aufbewahren WartungWerfen Sie Elektrowerkzeuge nicht in den Hausmüll Fehler beheben / Entsorgung / InformationenFehler beheben Entsorgung Das Gerät erzeugt starke Geräusche und / oder VibrationenKonformitätserklärung / Hersteller Informationen

FSM R1 specifications

The Kompernass FSM R1 is a versatile and user-friendly electric food steamer designed for health-conscious cooking enthusiasts. It offers a convenient solution for preparing a variety of meals while preserving the nutrients and flavors of the ingredients. The FSM R1 stands out with its modern design and functional features tailored for efficiency in kitchen tasks.

One of the main features of the FSM R1 is its multi-tier steaming capability. The device typically comes equipped with multiple steam baskets that allow users to cook different types of food simultaneously. This is particularly advantageous for families or individuals who want to prepare balanced meals in one go. The baskets are often made of high-quality, BPA-free materials that ensure safe cooking while also being durable enough for regular use.

Another notable characteristic of the FSM R1 is its powerful heating element. This technology ensures quick steam production, reducing cooking time while effectively maintaining the nutrient properties of vegetables, fish, and other foods. The ability to control the steaming duration is also a plus, allowing for precise cooking tailored to personal preferences and specific recipes.

User-friendliness is a key aspect of the Kompernass FSM R1. It features intuitive controls, often with straightforward settings for various food types, making it accessible for both novice and expert cooks. The clear water level indicator helps monitor the water supply, ensuring uninterrupted cooking sessions. Additionally, many models include an automatic shut-off feature for safety, preventing overheating or boil-dry situations.

The FSM R1 is also appreciated for its compact size, which makes it suitable for kitchens of all sizes. Its lightweight design allows for easy handling and storage, making it a practical addition to any culinary space. Cleaning is made simple with detachable parts that are often dishwasher safe, saving time and effort post-cooking.

In summary, the Kompernass FSM R1 is a reliable electric steamer that embodies a commitment to healthy cooking. Its multi-tier design, powerful heating technology, user-friendly controls, and compact structure make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to prepare delicious and nutritious meals with ease. Whether steaming vegetables, fish, or even desserts, the FSM R1 ensures that cooking remains a hassle-free and enjoyable experience.