Craftsman 247.887760 manual Replacing Rear Flap, Adjusting Shift Lever Cable

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Cleanundersideof the mowerdeckonce aseasonto preventbuild-up of grassclippingsor otherdebris. Followstepsbelowfor thisjob.

1.Disconnectsparkplugwire. Draingasolinefromlawn moweror placea pieceof plasticunderthegas cap.

2.Tip mowersothat it restson the housing,keepingthe mufflerside down. Referto Figure14.Holdmowerfirmly.

Nevertip the mowermorethan 900inany directionanddo not leave the mowertippedfor any lengthof time. Oilcandraininto the upper partof the enginecausinga startingproblem.

3.Scrapeandcleanthe undersideof thedeckwitha suitabletool. Donot spraywithwater.

IMPORTANT:Donot usea pressurewasheror gardenhoseto clean yourunit. Thesemaycausedamageto bearings,orthe engine.The useof waterwill resultin shortenedlife andreduceserviceability.

4.Putthe mowerbackon itswheelsonthe ground.Ifyou hadput plasticunderthe gas capearlier,makesureto removeit now.


To replacerearflap,proceedas follows:

1.To removerearflap,lift reardoor,removescrew,andpressflap in oneither sideto removefromhole.SeeFigure16.

2.Removescrewandflapfromoppositeholeandreplacewithnew flap inthe oppositeorderand mannerof removal.


Periodicadjustmentof the sixspeedshift cablemaybenecessarydue to normalwearonthe cable.Adjustmentis neededif all six speedsdo not work.Theadjustablecable bracketis locatedonthe left sideof the mowerbesidetheengine.SeeFigure17.

1.Startengineandplace shiftleverinthe sixthspeedposition.

2.Stopengineand disconnectsparkplugwireandgroundit against engine.

3.Loosenhexnutwhichsecuresthe adjustablecablebracket.See Figure17.

4.Pushbackonthe adjustablecable bracket.






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Contents 2010 Formno -04706BCraftsman Professional Full Warranty Readthisoperatorsmanual carefullyin itsentiretybefore General OperationSafe HandlingOf Gasoline ServiceSlope Operation ChildrenSpark Arrestor Do not Modify EngineRead the Operatorsmanuals Safety SymbolsCOo This page left intentionallyblank Page Loose Parts in Carton AssemblyOpening Carton Removing Unit from CartonPage Drive Control AdjustmentsMowerdoes notpropelitself withthedrive controlengaged Lever Gasoline FirstTime UseImmediately To Start Engine Using Your Lawn MowerUsing AS Mulcher Using Grass CatcherCenteror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSears at Maintenance ScheduleSpark Plug Engine MaintenanceAlwaysobservesafetyruleswhenperformingany maintenance General RecommendationsLubrication Replacing Rear Flap Adjusting Shift Lever CableRemovebladeandadapterfromthe crankshaft Belt Care Replacing BatteryReplacing Fuse Openthe batterycoveras describedin ReplacingBattery.SeePreparing the Lawn Mower Preparing the EngineEngineflooded Waitafew minutesto restart Clean,adjustgap,or replaceFuellinecleaned Dirtyair cleanerSelf Propelled Mower B Model No 925-04347 Self Propelled Mower B Model No Model No Self Propelled Mower914-0474 710-1652 936-0264 914-0104 932-0306A 912-0414 16855 10622B 948-0188B 11 938-0137A304 445 51209 J623 662i 745 621 334 332@ 306 Page 616 j 741 718 O IOS 796631 Adjuster-RockerArm 796470 Rod-Connecting 796595 Spacer-Carburetor 796639 PistonAssemblyStandard796608 Carburetor 796640 PistonAssembly.020Oversize 691894 Gasket-AirCleaner 691588 Lock-PistonPin796493 Cover-AirCleaner 698557 Screw 792685 Harness-Wiring796501 Dipstick/TubeAssembly 796492 Base-AirCleanerPage Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty CoverageGDOC-100182RevA ModeratePage Servicio Declaraci6n De garantia Instrucciones De seguridadGuia de cuesta Etiquetas de seguridad Montaje 54-55Funcionarnientogeneral FuncionaiviientoEsguinces DientesUtilices61orecipientesparagasolinaautorizados Manejo segurode la gasolinaFuncionamientogenerah Aviso Referido a Emisiones No Modifique EL MotorGuardachispas SilVIBOLOS DE Seguridad Page IViontaje de la manija Apertura DE LA Caja DE CartonC61VIO Sacar LA Unidad DE LA Caja Piezas Sueltas Dentro DE LA CajaFigura4 Conexi6n de la colectora de cspedControl de la transmisi6n AjustesConexi6n de Canal de Descarga Lateral Altura de torteDEL Nivel DE Aceite Palanca DE Ajuste DE LA86 o ..... so Llenado DE Gasolina Y AceiteGasolina USO DEL Colector DE Cesped Para Detener EL MotorUSO DE LA Cortadora DE Cesped USO Como AbonadoraPrograma DE iVlANTENllVllENTO Montarel pretintoreriaalfiltro Recomendaciones GeneralesMantenimiento DEL Motor Filtro de aireCambiar el aceite del motor Comprobar el aceite del motorLimpie el motor Caivibio DE LA Aleta Trasera Limpieza DE LA PlataformaCuidado DE LA Correa Cuidado DE LA CuchillaCaivibiode LA BATERiA Figura Bateria PREPARACI6N DEL MotorPreparacion DE LA Cortadora DE Cosped Yaquelos motoresalmacenaronm.sde 30dfasIncnrr I.repeynl Esta p.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada GDOC-100182Rev.A Servicio de instalaci6nde Sears Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel AcuerdoEl*Coverage en Canadvariaen algunosarticulos. Paradetalles Ilenosla IlarnadaCharnuscaCanaden÷anag÷