Craftsman 247.887760 manual Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Coverage

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(Thispageapplicableinthe U.S.A.and Canadaonly.)

Sears, Roebuck and Co., U.S.A. (Sears), the California Air Resources Board (CARD)

and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)

Emission Control System Warranty Statement (Owner's Defect Warranty Rights and Obligations)


California and United States Emission

The CaliforniaAir ResourcesBoard(CARD),U.S.EPAand Searsare pleased to explainthe EmissionControlSystemWarrantyon your modelyear2000and latersmalloff-roadengine(SORE).In California,newsmall off-roadengines mustbe designed,builtand equippedto meettheState'sstringentanti-smog standards.Elsewherein theUnitedStates, newnon-road,spark-ignition enginescertifiedfor modelyear 1997and latermustmeetsimilarstandardsset forth bythe U.S.EPA.Sears mustwarranttheemissioncontrol systemon your


Control Defects Warranty Statement

enginefor theperiodsoftime listedbelow,providedtherehas been noabuse, neglector impropermaintenanceof your smalloff-roadengine.Youremis- sion controlsystemincludespartssuch as thecarburetor,air cleaner,ignition system,mufflerand catalyticconverter.Also includedmaybe connectorsand otheremissionrelatedassembliesWherea. warrantableconditionexists,Sears will repairyour smalloff-roadengineat no costto you includingdiagnosis,parts and labor.

Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Coverage

Smalloff-roadenginesarewarrantedrelativeto emissioncontrol partsdefects fora periodof one year,subjectto provisionsset forth below.Ifany covered

Owner's Warranty

Asthe smalloff-roadengine owner,you are responsiblefor theperformanceof therequiredmaintenancelistedin yourOperatingand MaintenanceInstruc- tions.Searsrecommendsthatyou retain all yourreceiptscoveringmaintenance on yoursmalloff-roadengine,butSears cannotdenywarrantysolelyfor the lackof receiptsorfor yourfailureto ensuretheperformanceof all scheduled maintenanceAs. the smalloff-roadengineowner,you shouldhoweverbe awarethat Searsmaydenyyou warrantycoverageif your smalloff-roadengine ora part hasfaileddueto abuse,neglect,impropermaintenanceor unap-

parton yourengineis defective,the part willbe repairedorreplacedbySears.


provedmodifications.Youare responsiblefor presentingyour smalloff-road engineto an AuthorizedSearsServiceDealeras soonas a problemexists.The undisputedwarrantyrepairsshouldbe completedina reasonableamountof time,notto exceed30 days. Ifyou haveany questionsregardingyourwarranty rightsand responsibilities,you shouldcontacta SearsService Representative at 1-800-469-4663The. emissionwarrantyis a defectswarranty.Defectsare judged on normalengineperformance.Thewarrantyis notrelatedto an in-use emissiontest.

Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions


enginesfound in theOperatingand MaintenanceInstructions.








Coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonly to the parts listedbelow (the


Repairor replacementof anyWarrantedPartwill be performedat no


emissioncontrolsystemsparts)to the extentthese partswere presenton


chargeto the owner,includingdiagnosticlabor whichleadsto the


the engine purchased.


determinationthata WarrantedPartis defective,if the diagnosticwork is





performedat an AuthorizedSears ServiceDealer.For emissionswarranty



• Cold start enrichmentsystem


servicecontact yournearestAuthorizedSears ServiceDealeras listed in



• Carburetorand internalparts


the "YellowPages"under"Engines,Gasoline,""GasolineEngines,""Lawn



• FuelPump






Claimsand CoverageExclusions



Air lnduction System



Warrantyclaimsshall be filed in accordancewiththe provisionsof the



• Air cleaner




• Intakemanifold


Sears EngineWarrantyPolicy.Warrantycoverageshall be excludedfor





failuresof WarrantedPartswhichare notoriginal Sears partsor because



of abuse, neglector impropermaintenanceas setforth inthe Sears



• Spark plug(s)





EngineWarrantyPolicy.Sears is notliableto coverfailuresof Warranted



• Magnetoignitionsystem





Partscausedby theuse of add-on,non-original,or modifiedparts.










• Catalyticconverter




Any WarrantedPart whichis notscheduledfor replacementas required



• Exhaustmanifold





maintenanceor whichis scheduledonly for regularinspectionto the effect



• Air injectionsystemor pulsevalve





of "repairor replaceas necessary"shallbe warrantedasto defectsfor the



MiscellaneousItemsUsedin AboveSystems




warrantyperiod.Any WarrantedPartwhich is scheduledfor replacement



• Vacuum,temperature,position,timesensitivevalves


as requiredmaintenanceshallbe warrantedasto defectsonly forthe





periodof time up to the first scheduledreplacementfor that part. Any



• Connectorsandassemblies





replacementpart that is equivalentin performanceand durabilitymay






Lengthof Coverage


be usedin the performanceof any maintenanceor repairs.The owneris


Searswarrantsto the initialownerand eachsubsequentpurchaserthat


responsibleforthe performanceof all requiredmaintenance,as definedin


the WarrantedParts shallbe free from defects in materialsandworkman-


the SearsOperatingand MaintenanceInstructions.


shipwhich causedthefailure of the WarrantedPartsfor a periodof one




yearfrom the datethe engineis deliveredto a retailpurchaser.


Coveragehereundershallextend to thefailure of any engine components





caused bythe failureof any WarrantedPartstill underwarranty.

Inthe USAandCanada,a 24 hour hotline, 1-800-469-4663,has a menu of pre-recordedmessagesofferingyou enginemaintenanceinformation. GDOC-100188Rev.A


Image 40
Contents Formno -04706B 2010Craftsman Professional Full Warranty General Operation Readthisoperatorsmanual carefullyin itsentiretybeforeService Slope OperationChildren Safe HandlingOf GasolineDo not Modify Engine Spark ArrestorSafety Symbols Read the OperatorsmanualsCOo This page left intentionallyblank Page Assembly Opening CartonRemoving Unit from Carton Loose Parts in CartonPage Drive Control AdjustmentsMowerdoes notpropelitself withthedrive controlengaged Lever Gasoline FirstTime UseImmediately Using Your Lawn Mower Using AS MulcherUsing Grass Catcher To Start EngineMaintenance Schedule Centeror to scheduleservice,simplycontactSears atEngine Maintenance Alwaysobservesafetyruleswhenperformingany maintenanceGeneral Recommendations Spark PlugLubrication Adjusting Shift Lever Cable Replacing Rear FlapBelt Care Replacing Battery Removebladeandadapterfromthe crankshaftOpenthe batterycoveras describedin ReplacingBattery.See Replacing FusePreparing the Engine Preparing the Lawn MowerClean,adjustgap,or replace FuellinecleanedDirtyair cleaner Engineflooded Waitafew minutesto restartSelf Propelled Mower B Model No 925-04347 Self Propelled Mower B Model No Self Propelled Mower 914-0474 710-1652 936-0264 914-0104 932-0306A912-0414 16855 10622B 948-0188B 11 938-0137A Model No304 445 51209 J623 662i 745 621 334 332@ 306 Page 616 j 741 718 O IOS 796595 Spacer-Carburetor 796639 PistonAssemblyStandard 796608 Carburetor 796640 PistonAssembly.020Oversize691894 Gasket-AirCleaner 691588 Lock-PistonPin 796631 Adjuster-RockerArm 796470 Rod-Connecting698557 Screw 792685 Harness-Wiring 796501 Dipstick/TubeAssembly796492 Base-AirCleaner 796493 Cover-AirCleanerPage Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty ProvisionsModerate GDOC-100182RevAPage Declaraci6n De garantia Instrucciones De seguridad Guia de cuesta Etiquetas de seguridad Montaje54-55 ServicioFuncionaiviiento FuncionarnientogeneralDientes EsguincesUtilices61orecipientesparagasolinaautorizados Manejo segurode la gasolinaFuncionamientogenerah Aviso Referido a Emisiones No Modifique EL MotorGuardachispas SilVIBOLOS DE Seguridad Page Apertura DE LA Caja DE Carton C61VIO Sacar LA Unidad DE LA CajaPiezas Sueltas Dentro DE LA Caja IViontaje de la manijaConexi6n de la colectora de csped Figura4Ajustes Conexi6n de Canal de Descarga LateralAltura de torte Control de la transmisi6nPalanca DE Ajuste DE LA DEL Nivel DE Aceite86 o ..... so Llenado DE Gasolina Y AceiteGasolina Para Detener EL Motor USO DE LA Cortadora DE CespedUSO Como Abonadora USO DEL Colector DE CespedPrograma DE iVlANTENllVllENTO Recomendaciones Generales Mantenimiento DEL MotorFiltro de aire Montarel pretintoreriaalfiltroCambiar el aceite del motor Comprobar el aceite del motorLimpie el motor Limpieza DE LA Plataforma Caivibio DE LA Aleta TraseraCuidado DE LA Cuchilla Cuidado DE LA CorreaCaivibiode LA BATERiA Figura PREPARACI6N DEL Motor Preparacion DE LA Cortadora DE CospedYaquelos motoresalmacenaronm.sde 30dfas BateriaIncnrr I.repeynl Esta p.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada GDOC-100182Rev.A Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel Acuerdo El*Coverage en Canadvariaen algunosarticulos. ParadetallesIlenosla IlarnadaCharnuscaCanaden Servicio de instalaci6nde Sears÷anag÷