Craftsman 247.28905 manual

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Beforeoperatingthis machine,makesurethe seatis engagedin a seatstop,standbehindthe machineandpullbackon seatuntil fully _engagedntostop.




3.Placethe steeringwheelcap overthecenterof the steeringwheel andpushdownwarduntilit "clicks"intoplace.

Attaching The Seat

NOTE: Ifyour seatwasshippedmountedbackwardsonthe seatpivot bracket,pullout the tab foundonthe seatstopand holdit openwhile slidingtheseatoff the seatpivotbracket.

1.Lineupthe plasticseatspacerswiththe slotsin seatpivot bracket.

2.Slideseatinuntilfrontseatspacerengagesthe seatstop.See Fig. 4.


Tire Pressure

Maximumtire pressureunderany circumstancesis 30 psi. Equal tire pressureshouldbe maintainedat all times. Neverexceedthe _maxmum nfat onpressureshownonthe s dewa of thet re.

The recommendedoperatingtire pressureis:

Approximately10psi forthe reartires

Approximately14psi forthe fronttires

IMPORTANT: Referto the tire sidewallfor exacttire manufacturer's recommendedormaximumpsi. Donot overinfiate.Uneventirepres- surecouldcausethe cuttingdeckto mowunevenly.


. Toadjustthe positionof the seatonmodelsequippedwitha seat adjustmentlever,movethe seatadjustmentlever(locatedunder the seat)to the leftand slidethe seatforwardor rearwarduntil it securelyengagesintoa seatstop.SeeFig. 5. Makesure seatis lockedinto positionbeforeoperatingthetractor.


Image 11
Contents Am = 7 pm CT, Mort. =Sun For answers to your questions aboutThis product, Call FormNo.769-05573A February12,2010Dateof Purchase Craftsman Full WarrantyGeneral Operation California PropositionDo Not Followthe manufacturersrecommendationsfor wheelweightsSlope Operation Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn.Do not touchSafeHandlingof Gasoline ServiceTowing Spark Arrestor MowerbladesaresharpWrapthebladeorweargloves,anduseKeepallnuts,bolts,andscrewstighttobesuretheequipmentis Do not Modify EngineRead the Operatorsmanuals Safety SymbolsPage Page California Proposition Page Meets Ansi Safety Standards Ammeter Ignition Switch ModuleSeat Adjustment Lever Parking BrakeGasoline Safety Interlock SystemGAS and OIL FILL-UP 0ilEngaging the Parking Brake Driving on Slopes Starting the EngineStopping the Engine Driving the TractorMowing Using the Deck Lift LeverEngaging the Blades Moving the Tractor ManuallyControlsandstoptheengine.Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo Maintenance ScheduleBeforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service,disengageall Checking the Engine Oil Engine MaintenanceFuel Filter Air CleanerFront Axles LubricationPivot Points & Linkage Leveling the Deck Cleaning the Engine and DeckAdjustments Removethebelt C fromaroundthetractorsPTOpulley.See Fig Cutting Deck RemovalOthergas appliances.J Land heed ts warnngs TiresJump Starting ChargingSeeFig FuseCutting Blades Changing the Deck BeltBelt Guard Parking Brake AdjustmentChanging the Transmission Drive BeltReconnectthe fuel lineandrunthe engineuntil it startsto Ifusingafuel stabilizerPreparing the Engine Preparing the Lawn TractorMaoage home Need More HELP?Front Grille Craftsman IViodel 44 @Description Craftsman IViodelCraftsman IViodel 738-04237A Craftsman Model683-04155A-0637 Shaft,Lift 712-04065 Page Craftsman 2S\ 726-0201 Craftsman IViodel 712-0271 Ref, I DescriptionCraftsman Model Ref, Part No FootPad,4.0\50 Ref,No, Part No Craftsman Engine IViodel 331777=1372=B2 For IViodel 8471868f ¸1023111111Craftsman Engine IViodel 331777-1372-B2 For IViodel Craftsman Engine Model 331777=1372=B2 For Model 324....... -%Craftsman Engine Model 331777-1372-B2For Model Description Craftsman Engine Model 331777-1372=B2For ModelRef, Part No. No Craftsman Engine Model 331777-1372-B2For NiodelRef, Part No Page Page GDOC-100182RevB ModerateThispageapplicableinthe U.S.A.and Canadaonly Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty CoverageSears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Your Warranty Rights and Obligations Warranted Parts Page Atrasados IGUARIE Estasinstrucciones Funcionaiviiento GeneralNo haga Io siguiente Funcionamiento EN PendientesHaga Io siguiente Manejo seguro de la gasolina ReiviolqueSERVIClO Guardachispas No Modifique EL MotorAviso Referido a Emisiones LEA EL Manuals DEL Operador Sivibolos DE SeguridadAesqunadeunedifido Advertencia Labateria+conel pernoy tuercahexagonalVeaselafigura1 Conexion DE LOS Cables DE LA BateriaENVlO Brace ELllVIINACION QUE UNE EL VolantePresion DE LAS Llantas COLOCACI6N DE LA SedeDe Velocidad Palancadel frenode estacionamientoAmperimetro PortavasosPalanca DE Ajuste DEL Asiento Acelerador Y Palanca DE Control DELevante LA Palanca DE LA Cubierta Sistema DE Bloqueo DE Seguridad Pedal DE FrenoCarga DE Aceite Y Gasolina Mode Reverse Caution ModeACClONADO EL Freno DE ESTAClONAMIENTO LightArranque DEL Motor Setting the Cutting HeightParo DEL Motor LA Conduccion DEL TractorPalanca DE Conduccion EN LAS LaderasInvolucrar a LOS Blades USO DE LA Cubierta DE Levante LAFaros Mover EL Tractor ManualLubrique Lista DE iVlANTENIIVllENTOFiltrode aceite Mantenimiento DEL MotorFTira reactiva Drenajede aceite de rnangaClamp Fuel Line Tab Limpiador DE AireParadrenar el combustible Paracambiarel fiitro de combustibleCarburador de ajuste Elcarburadoren estemotorno esajustable Limpieza DEL MotorLubricacion BateriaDelante a arras Limpieza DE LAS Maquinas Y LA Cubi ErtaAjustes Para quitar la plataforrna de corte, haga Io si Guiente Plataforma DE Corte DE EliminacionRnuescaenla parteinferiordel guardabarrosderecho Paraubiear el Centrode Servieio rns eereanoSears o paraproLa presi6n de Los NEUiVlATICOSBATERiA EL ArranqueCuchillas DE Corte CargaFusible Figura DE Caivibiar LA Correa DE CubiertaTibleen lineaquese encuentracercadel motor PREPARACI6N DEL MotorEL Drenaje DE LOS Combustibles PREPARACI6N DE LA Tractor DE CespedNecesita MAS AYUDA? Manage HomeGDOC-100182Rev.A Esta p.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada SUS Derechos Y Obligaciones EN Cuanto a LA Garantja Piezas Garantizadas Servicio de instalaci6nde Sears Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel AcuerdoRiding Equipment questions or problems?