Craftsman 247.28905 manual Lubrication, Pivot Points & Linkage, Front Axles

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Spark Plug

1.Cleanareaaroundthe sparkplugbase.Do notsandblastspark plug,Sparkplugshouldbecleanedby scrapingorwire brushing andwashingwitha commercialsolvent

Removeand inspectthe sparkplug.Checkgap to makesureit is setat .030".See Figure15.


_.030 (.76 mm) gap



3.Replacethesparkplug(Champion®RC12YC)once a season.


Temperatureof mufflerandnearbyengineareasmayexceed150°F


inspectmufflerperiodically,and replaceif necessary.Replace- mentpartsfor the mufflermustbethe sameand installedin the samepositionas the originalparts.

Clean Engine

Dailyor beforeeveryuse,cleangrass,chaff oraccumulated debrisfromengine.Keeplinkage,spring,andcontrolsclean.

Keepareaaroundandbehindmufflerfreeof any combustible debris.

Keepingenginecleanallowsair movementaroundengine.

Enginepartsshouldbe keptcleanto reducethe riskof overheat- ingandignitionof accumulateddebris.

Do notuse waterto cleanengineparts.Watercouldcontaminatefuel

system.Usea brushordry cloth.

Carburetor Adjustment

Thecarburetoron thisengineisnot adjustable.


Beforelubricating,repairing,or inspecting,alwaysdisengagePTO (BladeEngageLever),moveshift leverinto neutralposition,set parkingbrake,stopengineandremovekeyto preventunintended starting.

Pivot Points & Linkage

Lubricateallthe pivotpointsonthe drivesystem,parkingbrakeandlift linkageat leastonce a seasonwithlightoil.

Rear Wheels

The rearwheelsshouldberemovedfromtheaxlesoncea season. Lubricatetheaxlesandthe rimswellwithan all-purposegreasebefore re-installingthem.

Front Axles

Eachend of thetractor'sfrontpivotbar maybeequippedwitha grease fitting. Lubricatewitha greasegunafterevery25hoursof tractor operation.


The batteryis sealedandis maintenance-freeAcidlevelscannotbe. checked.

Alwayskeepthe batterycablesandterminalscleanandfree of corrosivebuild-up.

Aftercleaningthe batteryandterminals,applya lightcoatof petroleumjelly orgreaseto bothterminals.

Alwayskeepthe rubberbootpositionedoverthe positiveterminal to preventshorting.

iMPORTANT: if removingthe batteryfor any reason,disconnectthe NEGATIVE(Black)wirefromitsterminalfirst,followedby the POSI- TIVE(Red)wire.When re-installingthe battery,alwaysconnectthe POSITIVE(Red)wire to its terminalfirst,followedbythe NEGATIVE (Black)wire. Becertainthatthe wiresareconnectedto the correct terminals;reversingthemcouldchangethe polarityandresultin damageto yourengine'salternatingsystem.

Cleaning Battery

Cleanthe batteryby removingit fromthe tractorandwashingwith a bakingsodaandwatersolution.Ifnecessary,scrapethe battery terminalswitha wirebrushto removedeposits.Coatterminalsand exposedwiringwithgreaseor petroleumjellyto preventcorrosion.

Battery Failures

Somecommoncausesfor batteryfailureare: incorrectinitialactivation





Thesefailuresare NOTcoveredbyyourtractor'swarranty.


Image 21
Contents This product, Call For answers to your questions aboutFormNo.769-05573A February12,2010 Am = 7 pm CT, Mort. =SunDateof Purchase Craftsman Full WarrantyGeneral Operation California PropositionSlope Operation Followthe manufacturersrecommendationsfor wheelweightsMufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn.Do not touch Do NotService TowingSafeHandlingof Gasoline Keepallnuts,bolts,andscrewstighttobesuretheequipmentis MowerbladesaresharpWrapthebladeorweargloves,anduseDo not Modify Engine Spark ArrestorRead the Operatorsmanuals Safety SymbolsPage Page California Proposition Page Meets Ansi Safety Standards Seat Adjustment Lever Ignition Switch ModuleParking Brake AmmeterGAS and OIL FILL-UP Safety Interlock System0il GasolineEngaging the Parking Brake Stopping the Engine Starting the EngineDriving the Tractor Driving on SlopesEngaging the Blades Using the Deck Lift LeverMoving the Tractor Manually MowingMaintenance Schedule Beforeperforminganytypeof maintenance/service,disengageallControlsandstoptheengine.Waituntilallmovingpartshavecometo Checking the Engine Oil Engine MaintenanceFuel Filter Air CleanerLubrication Pivot Points & LinkageFront Axles Cleaning the Engine and Deck AdjustmentsLeveling the Deck Removethebelt C fromaroundthetractorsPTOpulley.See Fig Cutting Deck RemovalJump Starting TiresCharging Othergas appliances.J Land heed ts warnngsCutting Blades FuseChanging the Deck Belt SeeFigChanging the Transmission Drive Parking Brake AdjustmentBelt Belt GuardPreparing the Engine Ifusingafuel stabilizerPreparing the Lawn Tractor Reconnectthe fuel lineandrunthe engineuntil it startstoMaoage home Need More HELP?Front Grille Craftsman IViodel 44 @Description Craftsman IViodelCraftsman IViodel Craftsman Model 683-04155A-0637 Shaft,Lift 712-04065738-04237A Page Craftsman 2S\ 726-0201 Craftsman IViodel 712-0271 Ref, I DescriptionCraftsman Model Ref, Part No FootPad,4.0\50 Ref,No, Part No Craftsman Engine IViodel 331777=1372=B2 For IViodel 8471868f ¸1023111111Craftsman Engine IViodel 331777-1372-B2 For IViodel Craftsman Engine Model 331777=1372=B2 For Model 324....... -%Craftsman Engine Model 331777-1372-B2For Model Description Craftsman Engine Model 331777-1372=B2For ModelRef, Part No. No Craftsman Engine Model 331777-1372-B2For NiodelRef, Part No Page Page GDOC-100182RevB ModerateSears Emission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty ProvisionsThispageapplicableinthe U.S.A.and Canadaonly Your Warranty Rights and Obligations Warranted Parts Page Atrasados IGUARIE Estasinstrucciones Funcionaiviiento GeneralFuncionamiento EN Pendientes Haga Io siguienteNo haga Io siguiente Reiviolque SERVIClOManejo seguro de la gasolina No Modifique EL Motor Aviso Referido a EmisionesGuardachispas LEA EL Manuals DEL Operador Sivibolos DE SeguridadAesqunadeunedifido Advertencia ENVlO Brace ELllVIINACION Conexion DE LOS Cables DE LA BateriaQUE UNE EL Volante Labateria+conel pernoy tuercahexagonalVeaselafigura1Presion DE LAS Llantas COLOCACI6N DE LA SedeAmperimetro Palancadel frenode estacionamientoPortavasos De VelocidadAcelerador Y Palanca DE Control DE Levante LA Palanca DE LA CubiertaPalanca DE Ajuste DEL Asiento Pedal DE Freno Carga DE Aceite Y GasolinaSistema DE Bloqueo DE Seguridad ACClONADO EL Freno DE ESTAClONAMIENTO Reverse Caution ModeLight ModeParo DEL Motor Setting the Cutting HeightLA Conduccion DEL Tractor Arranque DEL MotorInvolucrar a LOS Blades Conduccion EN LAS LaderasUSO DE LA Cubierta DE Levante LA Palanca DEFaros Mover EL Tractor ManualLubrique Lista DE iVlANTENIIVllENTOFTira reactiva Mantenimiento DEL MotorDrenajede aceite de rnanga Filtrode aceiteParadrenar el combustible Limpiador DE AireParacambiarel fiitro de combustible Clamp Fuel Line TabLubricacion Limpieza DEL MotorBateria Carburador de ajuste Elcarburadoren estemotorno esajustableLimpieza DE LAS Maquinas Y LA Cubi Erta AjustesDelante a arras Rnuescaenla parteinferiordel guardabarrosderecho Plataforma DE Corte DE EliminacionParaubiear el Centrode Servieio rns eereanoSears o parapro Para quitar la plataforrna de corte, haga Io si GuienteBATERiA NEUiVlATICOSEL Arranque La presi6n de LosCarga FusibleCuchillas DE Corte Figura DE Caivibiar LA Correa DE CubiertaEL Drenaje DE LOS Combustibles PREPARACI6N DEL MotorPREPARACI6N DE LA Tractor DE Cesped Tibleen lineaquese encuentracercadel motorNecesita MAS AYUDA? Manage HomeGDOC-100182Rev.A Esta p.ginase aplica s61oen EE.UU. y Canada SUS Derechos Y Obligaciones EN Cuanto a LA Garantja Piezas Garantizadas Servicio de instalaci6nde Sears Continuaci6nsedetallanlos puntosincluidosenel AcuerdoRiding Equipment questions or problems?