McCulloch P13597RB, LZ12597RB To Assemble Bagger, Bagger adjustment, Horizontal adjustment

Page 25

1. Front bagger tube

2. Vinyl binding













Spreader bars



Retainer spring



Vinyl binding




906 02



Dump handle tube



Clevis pin 10 x 44mm



Retainer spring


















Top Surfaces Even


6MM (1/4") - 9MM (3/8")


Horizontal Adjustment Bracket



Vertical Adjustment Bracket



Bagger Latch










To Assemble Bagger

Unfold bag by pivoting front bagger tube all the way forward and pressing the bottom vinyl binding onto the tube.

Inside the bag, install spreader bars and retainer springs onto pins on both sides of bag as shown.

Press the vinyl bindings onto the sides of front bagger tube.

Slide the bagger dump handle through the hole in the bagger top, install the clevis pin 10 x 44mm and secure with retainer spring.

Push cap over end of bagger dump handle.

NOTE: For future use, the clevis pin may be removed in order to use the handle to clear the chute in the event it has become clogged.

Bagger adjustment

For proper bag function and appearance, it may be nec- essary to adjust the bagger assembly. There should be 6mm (1/4")-9mm (3/8") gap between the bagger top and fender and the bagger top surface should be even with the top surface of the fender. To adjust bagger position:

Horizontal adjustment

Slightly loosen the nuts securing the bagger RH and LH horizontal adjustment brackets. Loosen only enough so the brackets keep their position, but allow them to be moved.

Move the brackets the amount forward or backward you wish the bag assembly to move. Retighten the nuts securely.

Vertical adjustment

Slightly loosen the nuts securing the vertical adjustment brackets. Loosen only enough so the brackets keep their position, but allow them to be moved.

Move the brackets the amount up or down you wish the bag assembly to move. Retighten the nuts securely.

Reinstall the bagger assembly and check the bagger to fender fit. If necessary, repeat the procedure until proper fit is attained.

After proper fit is attained, remove bagger from tractor and install bagger latch (4) to tractor back plate as shown. Tighten securely.

Install and carefully lower bagger to actuate latch.

Measure distance between bagger and latch as shown. If distance is not 10mm - 16mm carefully remove bagger and repeat vertical adjustment as needed.

0298 3

10MM (7/16") - 16MM (5/8")


To convert to bagging, mulching or discharge See "Section 5" of this manual.


Image 25
Contents Manuel d’instructions AnleitungshandbuchManual de las instrucciones Manuale di istruzioniPage Training Safety RulesII. Preparation III. OperationIV. Maintenance and Storage Schulung SicherheitsvorschriftenII. Vorbereitung III. BetriebIV. Wartung UND Lagerung Précautions D’UTILISATION Règles de SécuritéII. Préparation III. UtilisationIV. Entretien ET Entreposage Instrucción Reglas De SeguridadII. Preparación III. OperaciónIV. Mantenimiento Y Almacenamiento Addestramento ALL’USO Norme AntinfortunisticheII. Preparazione III. FunzionamentoIV. Manutenzione E Periodi DI INATTIVITA’ II. Voorbereiding VeiligheidsregelsIII. Bediening Gebruik de trekker niet op hellingen van meer danIV. Onderhoud EN Opslag Reverse Lire LE Manuel Gefahr ZU Vermeiden Schwefelsäure Augen Unver Augen Schützen Stuur installeren Install steering wheelEinbau des Lenkrades Ajuste del volanteSitz SeatSiège AsientoRemarque HinweisNota Installazione della batteria Install batteryAccu installeren Einbau der BatteriePage Regolazione DEI Ruotini Anteriori se installato To Adjust Gauge Wheels if equippedEinstellen DER Tasträder sofern vorhanden Reglage DES Roulettes DE Jauge si équipéDischarge Chute Nut Flat Washer To install bagger components to tractorHorizontal adjustment Bagger adjustmentVertical adjustment To Assemble BaggerInstallation der Aufhängung der Grasfangbox des Traktors Justieren der Grasfangbox Montage der GrasfangboxSeitenjustierung HöhenjustierungEpingle Assemblage des composants du collecteurPositionnement du collecteur Pour assembler le collecteurRéglage de la position horizontale Réglage de la position verticaleTuercas de 3/8 Arandelas planas Descarga de adaptarseRegulacion del contenedor Para montar el contenedorAjuste horizontal Ajuste verticalPer montare i componenti del cesto di raccolta Regolazione del cesto Per montare il cesto di raccoltaRegolazione orizzontale Regolazione verticaleBorgmoer 3/8 Afvoertrechter BorgmoerVlakke sluitring Borgmoer Zeskantbout Vlakke sluitring 10,3 mm SluitveerAfstellen van grascontainer De grascontainer monterenHorizontale bijstelling Verticale bijstellingPer Iinstallazione del Kit Mulching se installato To assemble and install mulcher plug if equippedPour assembler linsert broyeur si équipé Para ensamblar y montar la tapa mulching si está provistoSchnelles Heben und Senken des Mähaggregats Ubicación de los mandos Emplacement des commandesComandi De plaats van de bedieningsorganenGashebel Commande des gazAcelerador AcceleratoreBrems- und Kupplungspedal Brake and clutch pedalPédale dembrayage et de frein Pedal de freno y de embraguePalanca de cambios Commande de la boîte de vitessesGear shift lever SchalthebelConnection/disconnection of the cutting unit Commande dembrayage et de débrayage du carter de coupeEin- und Ausschalten des Mähaggregats Acoplamiento y desacoplamiento del equipo de corteClé de contact et de démarrage ZündschloßCerradura de encendido Chiave di accensioneFeststellbremse Parking brakeChoke control KaltstartreglerReposición de combustible Filling upTanken Plein de carburantÖlstand Oil levelNivel de aceite Livello dell’olioDriving . Betrieb . Conduite . Conducción Guida . Rijden Hinweis Betrieb DrivingConduite ConducciónRückwärtsgangsystem ROS Reverse Operation System ROSSécurité Marche Arrière ROS Sistema de Funcionamiento Atrás ROSSysteem voor achteruit ROS Sistema per operazioni in retromarcia ROSCutting tips Ratschläge zum RasenmähenConsejos para el corte Conseils pour la tonteConsigli per il taglio dell’erba MaaitipsEntleeren der Grasfangbox To Dump BaggerPour vider le bac Para vaciar la cargadoraPour passer dune fonction à une autre To convert mowerPour broyer Regolazione della funzione di taglio Para cambiar el ajuste de la segadoraDe Maaier Ombouwen Advertencia WarnungPericolo WaarschuwingAbschalten des Motors Switching off the engineExtinction du moteur Apagar el motorAdvertencia Motorhaube Engine hoodCapot moteur Cubierta del motorWartung MaintenanceEntretien MantenimientoÖlwechsel Durchführen To Change OILPour Changer L’HUILE Para Cambiar EL AceiteCheck brake operation Clean air screen Fill in dates as you complete regular service EveryClean engine cooling fins Clean battery and terminals Check mufflerVérification des freins Nettoyage de la grille daération Sans filtre à huilePré-filtre Filtre à airControllo freni Pulizia schermo aria 50 orePulizia raffreddamento motore Controllo pneumaticiFahrer-Anwesenheitssystem und Rückwärts- gangsystem ROS Operator Presence System and Reverse Opera- tion System ROSControl Sistema Presencia Operador Messerbalken BladesLames CuchillasMesserbalkenbohrungmitfünfeckigeAussparung Star pattern bladeLame avec orifice de fixation central étoil à cinq branches Messerbalkenbohrung mit sechseckiger Aus- sparungLama con for stellare a 5 punte Cuchilla de orificio-estrella de cinco puntasMes met 5-hoekige ster Cuchilla de orificio-estrella de seis puntasBlade Removal Überprüfen Der Bremse To Check BrakePour Vérifier Le Frein Controlar El FrenoDismantling of the cutting unit Assembly of the cutting unitDemontage des Mähdecks Depose du Carter de CoupeAuswechsein des Treibriemens für das Mähag- gregat Replacement of drive belt for cutting unitCambio de la correa propulsora del equipo de corte Sostituzione della cinghia di movimento lameEinstellung des Mähaggregats Adjustment of the cutting unitRéglage du carter de coupe Ajuste de la unidad de corteAdjuste DE Lado a Lado SIDE-TO-SIDE AdjustmentSeitliche Einstellung Reglage TransversalRemplacement de la courroie dentraînement Replacement of drive beltCambio de correa propulsora Sostituzione della cinghia di trazioneEinstellung DES Schalthebels DES DIF- Ferentialgetriebes Transaxle Gear Shift Lever Neutral Adjustment02239 Troubleshooting . Störungssuche Recherche des pannes . Búsqueda de averías Ricerca guasti . Het localiseren van fouten Storage . Aufbewahrung . Remisage . Conservación ServiceEntretien et réparations ServicioServizio Rismessaggio . StallenAl termine della stagione effettuare i seguenti interventi 01.25.10 JA