Yard-Man 131734G, 131704G, 131704F manual Knowthe controlsand how to stop the machinequickly

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Your unit wasbuilt to be operatedaccordingto the rules for safe operationin this manual.As with any

DANGER: type of powerequipment,carelessnessor error on the part of the operatorcanresult in seriousinjury. If you violate any of these rules, you may causeseriousinjury to yourself or others.

1.READTHISOWNER'SMANUALcarefullyin its entiretybeforeat- temptingto assembleor operatethis unit. Keepthis manualin a safe placefor future and regularreferenceandfor ordering replacementparts.

2.Thisunitis aprecisionpieceof powerequipment,notaplaything. Thereforeexerciseextremecautionat all times.

3.Knowthe controlsand how to stop the machinequickly.

4.Donotallowchildrenunder14yearsoldto operatevehicleChildren. 14yearsandovershouldonlyoperateunitundercloseparental supervision.Do notallowanyoneto operateit withoutproperin- struction.Onlypersonswell acquaintedwith theserulesof safe operationshouldbe allowedto useyour mower.

5.Wearsturdy,rough-soledwork shoesandclose-fittingslacksand shirts. Do notwearloosefitting clothesor jewelry.Theycan be caughtin movingparts.Neveroperatea unitin barefeet,sandals, or sneakers.

6.To preventinjury,do not carry passengersor give rides. Keep children,petsandbystandersout ofthe areawhilemowing.Only the operatorshouldride on the unit and only ride in the seat.

7.Checkoverheadclearancecarefullybeforedriving underpower lines,guy wires, bridgesor low hangingtree branches,before enteringor leavingbuildings,or in anyothersituationwherethe operatormaybestruckor pulledfrom theunit,whichcouldresult in seriousinjury.

8.To maintaincontrolof the unitandreducethe possibilityof upset or collision,operatethetractorsmoothly.Avoiderraticoperation and excessivespeed.

9.Thoroughlyinspectthe areato be mowed.Removeall stones, sticks,wire, bonesand otherforeignobjects.Keepthe areaof operationclearof all persons,particularlysmallchildrenandpets. Stopenginewhentheyarein thevicinityofyourmower.Although the areaof operationshouldbecompletelyclearedofforeignob- jects,asmall objectmayhavebeenoverlookedandcouldbeac- cidentlythrown by the mowerin any directionand causeinjury to youor abystanderPlan.yourmowingpatternto avoiddischarge ofmaterialtowardroads,sidewalks,bystanders,petsandthelike.

10.Alwayswearsafetyglassesor eyeshieldsduringoperationorwhile

performingan adjustmentor repair,to protecteyesfrom foreign objectsthat may be thrownfrom the machineIn anydirection.

11.Stopthe blade(s)whencrossinggraveldrives,walksor roads.

12.Disengageall attachmentclutches,thoroughlydepressthe brake pedal,and shift into neutralbeforeattemptingto startengine.

13.Beforeleavingthe operator'sposition,disengageblade(s),place shiftlever in neutral,engageparkingbrake,shutengineoff and removekey.

14.Do not puthandsor feetnearor underrotatingparts. Keepclear of the dischargeopeningatalltimesastherotatingblade(s)can causeinjury.

15.Disengagepowerto attachment(s)andstopenginebeforemak- ing any repairsor adjustments.Disconnectthe sparkplugwire andkeepthewireawayfrom theplugto preventaccidentalstarting.

16.Beforeattemptingto unclogthe moweror dischargechute,stop theengine.Themowerblade(s)maycontinueto rotatefor a few secondsaftertheengineis shutoff. Therefore,besuretheblade(s) havestoppedcompletelyDisconnect.thesparkplugwireandkeep the wire awayfrom the plug to preventaccidentalstarting.

17.Disengagepowerto attachment(s)whentransportingor notin use.

18.Foryoursafety,usetheslopegaugeincludedaspartofthismanual to measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis uniton a slopedor hilly area.Iftheslopeis greaterthan150asshownon theslopegauge, do notoperatethis uniton thatareaor seriousinjurycouldresult.

19.Donotstopor startsuddenlywhengoinguphillordownhill.Mow up anddown face of steepslopes;neveracrossthe face. Use extremecautionif it is necessaryto drivethetractorup anincline or backthetractordownaninclinebecausethe front of thetrac- tor could lift and rapidlyflip overbackwardwhichcould cause seriousinjury.

20.Reducespeedon slopesandin sharpturnsto preventtippingor loss ofcontrol. Alwayskeepthe tractorin low gearwhengoing downsteephillsto takeadvantageofenginebrakingaction.Choose a low enoughgearso thatyouwill nothaveto stop or shiftwhile on the slope.

21.Stayalertfor holesin terrainandotherhiddenhazardswhichmay causethe unitto tip over.

22.Usecarewhenpulling loadsor using heavyequipment. A. Useonlyapproveddrawbarhitch points.

B.Limit loadsto thoseyou can safelycontrol.

C.Do not turn sharply.Usecarewhenbacking.

D.Usecounterweight(s)or wheel weightswhen suggestedin owner'smanual.

23.Watchoutfor traffic whencrossingor nearroadways.

24.Whenusinganyattachments,neverdirectdischargeof material towardbystandersnorallowanyonenearvehiclewhilein operation.

25.Handlegasolinewith care. It is highlyflammable.

A.Extinguishcigarettes,cigars,pipesand all other sourcesof ignition.


C.Neverremovecapor addgasolineto a runningor hotengine or fill fuel tankindoors.Allowtocool at least2 minutesbefore

refilling. Wipeup spilledgasoline.Alwaysuseoriginaltype ventedcap.

D.Opendoors if engineis run in garage. Exhaustfumes are dangerous.Do not run engineindoors.

26.Neverstorethe machinewithfuelin thefueltankinsidea building wherefumesmayreachanopenflameor spark,suchas hotwater andspaceheaters,clothesdryers,andthe like. Allowthe engine to cool beforestoringin anyenclosure.

27.Toreducefire hazard,keepengineandcuttingdeckfreeofgrass, leavesor excessivegreaseor oil.

28.Keepthevehicleand attachmentsin goodoperatingcondition, and keep safetydevicesin place. Useguardsas instructedin operator'smanualDo.notoperatethisunitunlessthechutedeflec- tor, guards,and safetyinterlocksystemare installedandfunc- tioningproperly.

29.Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition.

30.Thevehicleandattachmentsshouldbestoppedandinspectedfor damageafter strikinga foreignobject. The damageshouldbe repairedbeforerestartingandoperatingthe equipment.

31.Do not changethe enginegovernorsettingsor overspeedthe engine.


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Contents Form no -7544F Knowthe controlsand how to stop the machinequickly Assemblingthe Seat BATTERYIt FormationUnpacking ~ ~=-==-..--~--~ ForwardActivatingthe Battery Positive Installingthe BatteryTube-j Attachingthe ChutedeflectorOil pro Clutch TirepressureLevelingthe Deck Ignitionswitch LightswitchModel 734G Only Indicator Lights Model 734G OnlyParking Stoppingthe Engine StartingtheengineGAS and OIL FILL-UP ColdweatherstartingkitGrasscollectoravailable SeatadjustmentHydrostaticcontroladjustment Steeringgears DecklevelingadjustmentCarburetoradjustments SteeringshaftEngine Fuelfilter Cleaningengineand DeckWheel Adjustment CuttingbladesaJumpstarting TiresUnhook Aelt./KeeperScrews Page Trouble Load YaRD-MaN COMPANY. P.O. BOX 360940 .CLEVELAND, Ohio ~G»3~ ~~~ OAIQ.OCnl ~-~

131734G, 131704F, 131704G specifications

The Yard-Man 131704F, 131704G, and 131734G are standout models in the extensive lineup of lawn and garden equipment offered by Yard-Man, a brand known for its commitment to quality and innovation in outdoor power tools. These models cater primarily to homeowners and professional landscapers, providing robust solutions for maintaining lawns and gardens effectively.

One of the main features of the Yard-Man 131704F is its reliable engine performance. Powered by a potent motor, this model is designed to tackle both small and large areas with ease, ensuring a uniform cut and enhancing the appearance of your lawn. The 131704G variant similarly boasts a powerful engine, but the notable feature here is its focus on fuel efficiency. This model integrates advanced technology to optimize fuel consumption without compromising cutting power, making it an environmentally friendly choice.

The Yard-Man 131734G distinguishes itself with its cutting-edge features, including a multi-height adjustment system. Users can easily modify the cutting height to suit various grass types and seasonal conditions. This flexibility allows for tailored lawn care, ensuring that the grass remains healthy and vibrant throughout the year. Moreover, this model often includes a large grass catcher, which minimizes the need for raking and promotes a cleaner mowing experience.

In terms of durability, all three models come equipped with robust construction materials that ensure longevity and resistance to the elements. The decks are typically made from durable steel, which provides stability and strength, while the ergonomic designs make them user-friendly, reducing fatigue even during extended use.

Safety features are also paramount in these Yard-Man models. Each is equipped with safety guards and easy-start mechanisms that enhance the user experience, allowing homeowners and professionals alike to operate the equipment with confidence.

In summary, the Yard-Man 131704F, 131704G, and 131734G present an excellent combination of performance, efficiency, and user-friendly design. Their exceptional engine capabilities, cutting height adjustments, and durable construction make them ideal for anyone looking to maintain a pristine lawn or garden. Whether for personal use or professional landscaping, these models represent a solid investment in outdoor maintenance equipment.