IF | CHECK | |
| |
Tractor Vibrates Too Much | Attachment drive belts worn or damaged. | |
| |
| Dirt on drive sheaves. | |
| |
Tractor Will Not Move With Engine | Transmission hydraulic oil level low. | |
Running |
| |
Parking brake locked. | ||
| ||
| |
Tractor Moves With Engine Running And | Linkage out of adjustment. | |
Hydrostatic Control In Neutral |
| |
IF | CHECK | |
| |
Starter Does Not Work Or Will Not Turn | Brake pedal not down. | |
Engine |
| |
PTO knob in ON position. | ||
| ||
| |
| Battery terminals corroded. | |
| |
| Battery dead or low charge. | |
| |
Battery Will Not Charge | Battery cables and terminals dirty. | |
| |
| Low engine speed or excessive idling. | |
| |
| Dead cell in battery. | |
Troubleshooting - Page 67