Multiquip GAC2.2H manual TRaNspORTiNg saFeTY, ENviRONmeNTal saFeTY

Page 8

Safety Information

„If the battery liquid (dilute sulfuric acid) comes into contact with clothing or skin, rinse skin or clothing immediately with plenty of water.

„If the battery liquid (dilute sulfuric acid) comes into contact with eyes, rinse eyes immediately with plenty of water and contact the nearest doctor or hospital to seek medical attention.


„alWaYs disconnect the NegaTive battery terminal before performing service on the generator.

„alWaYs keep battery cables in good working condition. Repair or replace all worn cables.



„NeveR allow any person or animal to stand underneath the equipment while lifting.


„Before lifting, make sure that the equipment parts (lifting bail if equipped) are not damaged and screws are not loose or missing.

„Always make sure crane or lifi tng device has been properly secured to the lifting bail (hook) of the equipment.

„alWaYs shutdown engine before transporting.

„NeveR lift the equipment while the engine is running.

„Tighten fuel tank cap securely and close fuel cock to prevent fuel from spilling.

„Use adequate lifting cable (wire or rope) of suffi cient strength.

„Use one point suspension hook and lift straight upwards.

„dO NOT lift machine to unnecessary heights.

„alWaYs tie down equipment during transport by securing the equipment with rope.

eNviRONmeNTal saFeTY


„Dispose of hazardous waste properly. Examples of potentially hazardous waste are used motor oil, fuel and fuel fi lters.

„dO NOT use food or plastic containers to dispose of hazardous waste.

„dO NOT pour waste, oil or fuel directly onto the ground, down a drain or into any water source.

page 8 — gac2.2H 60 hz gENERATOR• operation and parts manual — rev. #1 (03/31/10)

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Contents Model gac2.2h Table of Contents GAC2.2H Portable 60 Hz GeneratorChoose from three easy options SaFeTY sYmBOls Safety InformationSaFeTY messages GeNeRal saFeTY GeNeRaTOR saFeTYENgiNe saFeTY Fuel saFeTYElecTRical saFeTY Power cord/cable safetyGrounding safety BaTTeRY saFeTY elecTRic sTaRT ONlYTRaNspORTiNg saFeTY ENviRONmeNTal saFeTYPage Specifications gENERATOR DimensionsDry Net Weight W x HSpecifications engine Effects of Altitude and HeatModel EngineDimensions 18.30IN MMPage Installation Connecting the GroundOutdoor Installation Indoor InstallationPlacement Generator GroundingControl Box General informationGenerator Components generator Generator ComponentsThrottle Lever Regulates engine speed General Inspection Prior to Operation Ground Power Tools Extension CableMain Circuit Breaker Load In WattsBefore Starting Engine Oil CheckFuel Check SeasonStarting the Engine OperationBefore Starting the Engine Stopping the Engine Normal Shutdown Emergency ShutdownPreparation for long term storage Generators StorageMaintenance First EveryMaintenance Engine Air CleanerDaily WeeklyGenerator wiring diagram Wiring Color CodeTroubleshooting Symptom Possible Cause SolutionWeak in power Water in fuel system? Symptom Possible Problem Solution Explanation of Code in Remarks Column Suggested Spare Parts Qty DescriptionNameplate and decals 5560983 and belowPart Name Generator assy Rotor Assy Field CoilRectifier Surge AbssorberControl BOX assy Control BOX HEX.HEAD BoltControl Panel AC VoltmeterPipe Frame assy Pipe Frame WasherRubber Suspension Fuel TankHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine cyl. hd assy GUIDE, IN. Valve Over Size GUIDE, IN. ValveCLIP, Valve Guide GASKET, Cylinder HeadHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine cyl. barrel assy Switch ASSY, OIL Level WEIGHT, GovernorHOLDER, Govenor Weight PIN, Governor WeightHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine crankcase cvr. assy GASKET, Case Cover CAP, OIL FillerGASKET, OIL Filler CAP BOLT, LangeHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine Crankshaft assy Crankshaft Comp Honda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine Piston assy ROD ASSY, Connecting BOLT, Connecting RODRing SET, Piston STD Ring SET, PistonHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine cAMshaft assy SPRING, Weight Return NUT, Pivot AdjustingCamshaft Assy ROD, PushHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine Recoil Starter assy SCREW, Setting REEL, Recoil StarterRATCHET, Starter GUIDE, RatchetHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine FAN Cover assy SPRING, Control Adjusting ENGINE, Stop SwitchCOVER, FAN NH1 Black PLATE, Side Alert & LampHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine caRBURETOR assy GASKET, AIR Cleaner Gasket SETValve SET, Float Float SETHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine AIR Cleaner assy ELEMENT, AIR Cleaner SEPARATOR, AIR CleanerCase COMP., AIR Cleaner Cover AIR CleanerHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine Muffler assy Muffler Comp PROTECTOR, Muffler InnerSEAL, Muffler Protector Pipe COMP., EXHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine Flywheel assy FAN, Cooling PULLEY, StarterFlywheel Lamp NUT, SPECIAL, 14MMHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine Ignition Coil assy CORD, Stop Switch 370 MM Coil ASSY., IgnitionCoil ASSY., Lamp 12V25W CLAMPER, CordHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine GOV. Control assy ARM, Governor ROD, GovernorSPRING, Governor SPRING, Throttle ReturnHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine Decal assy DECAL, AIR Cleaner DECAL, ChokeEMBLEM, 5.5 HP Mark Operator Caution PictographHonda GX160K1EMA2/U1EMAN engine Tool KIT Wrench COMP. Spark Plug HANDLE, BOX WrenchSapnner BAG ToolTerms and Conditions of Sale Parts FReigHT pOlicYPage HERE’S HOW to GET Help