Multiquip DCA70US13CAN Fuel Addition, Removing Water from the Fuel Tank, Fuel Tank Inspection

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If the engine is operating in very dusty or dry grass conditions, a clogged air cleaner will result.This can lead to a loss of power, excessive carbon buildup in the combustion chamber and high fuel consumption. Change air cleaner more frequently if these conditions exists.

Fuel Addition

Add diesel fuel (the grade may vary according to season and locations).

Removing Water from the Fuel Tank

After prolonged use, water and other impurities accumulate in the bottom of the tank. Occasionally inspect the fuel tank for water contamination and drain the contents if required.

During cold weather, the more empty volume inside the tank, the easier it is for water to condense. This can be reduced by keeping the tank full with diesel fuel.

Cleaning Inside the Fuel Tank

If necessary, drain the fuel inside the fuel tank completely. Using a spray washer (Figure 57) wash out any deposits or debris that have accumulated inside the fuel tank.

Figure 57. Fuel Tank Cleaning

Fuel Tank Inspection

In addition to cleaning the fuel tank, the following components should be inspected for wear:

„„Rubber Suspension — look for signs of wear or deformity due to contact with oil. Replace the rubber suspension if necessary.

„„Fuel Hoses — inspect nylon and rubber hoses for signs of wear, deterioration and hardening.

„„FuelTank Lining — inspect the fuel tank lining for signs of excessive amounts of oil or other foreign matter.

Replacing Fuel Filter

„„Replace the fuel filter cartridge with new one every 500 hours or so.

„„Loosen the drain plug at the lower top of the fuel filter. Drain the fuel in the fuel body together with the mixed water. DO NOT spill the fuel during disassembly.

„„Vent any air

Air Removal

If air enters the fuel injection system of a diesel engine, starting becomes impossible. After running out of fuel, or after disassembling the fuel system, bleed the system according to the following procedure. See the ISUZU Engine Manual for details.

To restart after running out of fuel, turn the switch to the “ON” position for 15-30 seconds. Try again, if needed.

page 38 — DCA70USI3can 60 hz Generator • operation and parts manual — rev. #1 (09/24/13)

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Contents Parts List NO. M2870400304C m2874400004 Model dca70USI3CANFuel and chemical warning Reporting Safety Defects AdministratorTable of Contents DCA70USI3CAN GeneratorChoose from three easy options SaFetY SYmBolS Safety InformationSaFetY meSSageS General SaFetY Generator SafetyRestricted. If the air fl ow is If operating in speed ranges above the maximum allowableFrom fuel vapors or if fuel is spilled on a hot engine FUel SaFetY„ never use fuel as a cleaning agent Grounding Safety EleCtrICal SaFetYPower Cord/Cable Safety BatterY SaFetYEmission Control label EnvIronmental SaFetY/DeCommISSIonIngEmISSIonS InFormatIon Label must remain with the engine for its entire lifeIsuzu BJ-4JJ1XYGD-02 Tier SpecificationsModel Dimensions DimensionsInstallation Typical Generator Grounding ApplicationMounting Outdoor InstallationIndoor Installation Generator GroundingGeneral Information Major Components Item noGenerator Control Panel OFFPage Engine Operating Panel Engine Operating Panel Output Terminal Panel is provided with the following Output Terminal FamiliarizationTerminal legs O and Ground are considered bonded grounds Removing the Plastic Face Plate Hard Wire Hookup Panel VAC Gfci ReceptaclesConnecting Loads Over Current RelayLoad Application Single Phase LoadThree Phase Load Type of LoadGenerator Output Voltages Voltage Selector SwitchVoltage Selector Switch Locking Button Generator AmperageAC Voltmeter Gauge Reading How to Read the ac ammeter and ac voltage gaugesGenerator OUTPUTS/gauge reading AC Ammeter Gauge Reading3Ø-208V/1Ø-120V Uvwo Terminal Output Voltages Uvwo Terminal Output Voltages3Ø-240/139 Uvwo Terminal Output Voltages 3Ø-480/277V Uvwo Terminal Output Voltages 1Ø-240/120V Uvwo Terminal Output VoltagesLubrication Oil Inspection/SETUPCircuit Breakers Fuel CheckRefueling Procedure Only use #2 diesel fuel when refuelingCoolant Antifreeze/Summer Coolant/ Water Cleaning the RadiatorAir Cleaner Fan Belt Tension Operation in Freezing WeatherWiring BatteryBattery Cable Installation AlternatorStarting Place the engine speed switch in the LOW down positionBefore Starting Starting ManualEngine Speed Switch High OFF/RESET position Normal Shutdown ProcedureEmergency Shutdown Procedure Place the Mpec Control SwitchAir Cleaner with Dust Indicator MaintenanceGeneral Inspection Air Cleaner Removing Water from the Fuel Tank Cleaning Inside the Fuel TankFuel Addition Fuel Tank InspectionReplacing Oil Filter Radiator CleaningCheck Oil Level Flushing Out Radiator and Replacing CoolantCoupler Type of hitch used on the trailer for towing Trailer MaintenanceTrailer Maintenance Hydraulic Surge Brakes Brake AdjustmentBrakes ActuatorSuspension Tires/Wheels/Lug NutsTire Wear/Inflation Lug Nut Torque Requirements Never use an pneumatic air gun to tighten wheel lug nutsTrailer Wiring Diagram Trailer/Towing Vehicle Wiring DiagramGenerator Wiring Diagram Generator Wiring DiagramEngine Wiring Diagram Engine Wiring DiagramController Wiring Diagram Engine ControllerTroubleshooting Generator Symptom Possible Problem SolutionTroubleshooting Diagnostic lamp Method of OperationExplanation of Code in Remarks Column Qty Description Suggested Spare PartsTo 3 units Generator Assy 0601822664 B51100004020601820083 B3120100804Control box Assy 0330000610 M22140003020330000180 0330000045Control box Assy M2213500604 89701194905825500290 M2270100204Control box Assy 0601831395 06021250900601810141 M1224100104Engine and Radiator Assy 8980188580 M29232001348980388560 0605000451Engine and Radiator Assy M3326200204 01915006800605515149 001698020Output Terminal Assy M9220100404 M3230700003M9220100304 0039316000Battery Assy M9103000304 0602220199M9310500014 0602220920Muffler Assy M2333001403 M23301011030017112030 M2333200404Fuel Tank Assy 0605516090 M23630012020605501079 M2363200704Enclosure #1 Assy 0603306797 M2413002002M2363300603 M2423001702Enclosure ASSY. #1 35B 0040014000 001011404035A 0030014000 35C 0041214000Enclosure 2 Assy M2443301803 M2443001202M2493305103 M2493305904Rubber Seals Assy REMArks Nameplate and Decals Assy M1550002203 EE57066EE57067 M15000220Nameplate and Decals Assy 33A# M9520100404M92010040 MQS-2731CETerms and Conditions of Sale Parts Freight PolicyPage HERE’S HOW to GET Help