PCM Effects and Parameters
Note that results will vary depending on room acoustics and the low frequency capacity of the surround speakers. As side and/or rear speakers are used for bass enhancement, the effectiveness is improved with speakers capable of reproducing low frequencies (LARGE). Using speakers that are not capable of producing low frequencies (<80Hz) may cause damage to them.
BASS RT (low frequency reverberation time) depends on MID RT and is expressed as a multiplier. BASS RT should be set to 1.0 x MID RT for a more natural effect in smaller spaces.
CENTER LEVEL adjusts the output level from the center speaker.
EFFECT LEVEL adjusts the loudness of the side and rear speakers. When there are no side speakers, it adjusts the amount of ambient signal mixed into the main loudspeakers. In Panorama, this control changes the apparent width of the front soundstage. 0 = ordinary stereo, 62 provides the widest image.
FRONT STEERING provides three basic settings which have been devel- oped specifically to optimize center channel signal strength for film and music.
The FILM setting has excellent frontal image stability through the whole room during dialog and vocals, while preserving the full width of the front image in the spaces between dialog, and for music without vocals. The front image during vocals is noticeably narrower than with the MUSIC setting, but highly satisfactory nonetheless.
The MUSIC setting reproduces sound in all three front speakers when a strongly centered, or mono signal is present. This is an excellent choice for heavily centered pop music such as metal and sounds more natural for broadcast material with a single announcer. OFF sets the center channel level to 4.5dB less than the front left and right speakers, and then leaves the level unchanged as the steering varies. This setting is equivalent to conven- tional stereo with a slight center fill.
HALL SIZE allows you to select room sizes of lengths ranging from
INPUT BALANCE allows you to compensate for the occasional source with audible channel imbalance. When selected, screen graphics indicate the relative left/right position.